Matthew Simmons
Matthew Simmons lives in Seattle.
Matthew Simmons lives in Seattle.
Punk Van Gogh image by your friend and mine, Jim Ruland.
Want that on a t-shirt? Beginning tonight at 9pm, you can order it from TeeFury. 24 hours later, a new design will take its place and you will be the only HTML Giant reader/contributor/or commenter without one. And then we will all point at you and laugh. Point and laugh at first, and then possibly talk about you when you leave.
Because we are HTML Giant. And we are totally clique-y. And mean to outsiders. And insular. And hip. Really very hip. It’s rad being us.
Want a song? Looks like you could use a song. Here, have a song:
Yes, Dan Gilbert’s choice of Comic Sans for this open letter deserves the mockery its getting. But, frankly, the quotation marks are far more insipid.
New Madvillain single. (High on Fire and Killa Mike there, too.) New Boduf Songs single and album forthcoming. (Interview with Boduf Songs on HTML Giant in the next few weeks.) Monsters and torture devices on Isaiah Toothtaker’s TUMBLR. (Amazing Edan/Percee P song posted there.)
It’s warm out.
1. Commenter kirby pointed to this essay by Jim Rossignol about video games and architecture.
2. Bookstore Memory: I went to this bookstore in Appleton, Wisconsin years ago, and noticed a bunch of Jon Spencer Blues Explosion reviews in frames on the walls. A place of honor was reserved for one from Rolling Stone that was on the same page as a Bob Dylan review. I talked to the owner, and found out that she was the mother of JSBX guitarist Judah Bauer. She told me he had been really excited to see his band reviewed so close to Dylan because, even if he wouldn’t admit it to his punk rock/noise rock friends, Dylan was his favorite artist. “All the tapes in his room were labeled Honeymoon Killers and stuff, but they were all actually Dylan records.” She told me that story while I waited for my change—I was buying, I think, Dr. Sax by Jack Kerouac—and I’m 67% certain she was hoping if she dazzled me with rock gossip, I would forget she owed me for the $20 I had given her.
Got a bookstore memory? Comment.
While we’re on the subject of Rockstar Games, can I point out that there are moments in Red Dead Redemption where the skies are straight out of Frank Tenney Johnson, Paul Kane, or William Tylee Ranney?
Observe: READ MORE >
If you want to submit to Tin House, you’ll need to send a receipt proving that you bought a book in a bookstore. What do you think?
What the heck was the name of that guy who had that show on public television where he’d read a children’s book and also illustrate scenes from the book with colored pencils? What was his damn name? Can’t for the life of me remember. Just remember a mustache.
Pilot Books Micro-Residencies
Summer 2010Introducing an experimental micro-residency program for writers who want to work and write chez Pilot Books. Each receives a stipend, access to brainfulls of reading material, and hours of writing time punctuated by light literary conversation and the occasional sales transaction. Pilot Books will then publish the author-resident’s new poetry, prose, fiction, or comics in a limited edition chapbook series, “FINANCIALS.”
One-day ($80) and two-day ($160) residencies are available:
July 2
July 4
July 10-11
July 18
July 24-25
August 7-8
August 21-22
August 28
September 4-5To apply, please send samples of your work to The more innovative the better. You may also include a short bio, statement of intention, or whatever else might help your case. Limited dates available. Procrastinot.
Note: We welcome applications from out-of-towners. The stipend may be used to cover the cost of travel and free lodging is available on one of many fine Seattle couches, “including mine,” says Summer.
Elsewhere, Adam Robinson interviewed Summer from Pilot Books. Check out the interview to find out more about the store and the owner. Both are awesome.
From Susan Howe’s Souls of the Labadie Tract:
Longing and envy rest
after a little—garden under
trees but better still likelyto be still more anxious to
get to just daylight all I’ve
always pushed back***
That’s the “Labadie Poplar”
Labadists—New Bohemia
little is otherwise known
Our secret and resolute woe
Carolled to our last adieu
Our message was electricWill you forget when I forget
that we are come to that
In the copy of the book I got out of the library, the following changes and updates have been made to these two pages: READ MORE >