July 26th, 2010 / 2:04 pm
Word Spaces

Postscript to Word Space (18): Andrew Ervin

[Andrew Ervin is still the author of Extraordinary Renditions, coming this fall from Coffee House Press and which Publisher’s Weekly recently named their “Pick of the Week.”]

Since February, when this original Word Spaces feature ran, I have decided to move back to Philadelphia. I thought it might be interesting to look at what happens when one’s writing area is dismantled, when it stops being what it is. It’s kind of cool and kind of terrifying at the same time.

Here are the crop circles that the buckling stacks of milk-crate bookshelves left in the rug.

In another room of the house, I has used old wine crates as shelving. It’s a bit sad to see them empty. I borrowed this Joseph Boyden book from my buddy Nick Mainieri, but I never got around to reading it and I need to return it before I leave Louisiana next week. My parents received the bed frame as a wedding gift fifty years ago. My new place in Philly is tiny and I’m not sure what to do with it.

Here has what has become of my books. I have no idea if they’ll all fit in the new place.

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  1. herocious

      Your books will fit one way or another. Liked the context of the milk crate carpet indents. That picture has a lot of story in it.

  2. herocious

      Your books will fit one way or another. Liked the context of the milk crate carpet indents. That picture has a lot of story in it.