The Dave Eggers directed short film with James Franco on the new Wholphin is some of the best video art I’ve seen in a while. Dude goes at it for almost thirty minutes.
The mp3 conversation between Barry Hannah & Larry Brown (from this post) has been reposted for download here
John Cage; a dialogue between art.
After two years it became clear to both of us that I had no feeling for harmony. For Schoenberg, harmony was not just coloristic: it was structural. It was the means one used to distinguish one part of a composition from another. Therefore he said I’d never be able to write music. “Why not?” “You’ll come to a wall and won’t be able to get through.” “Then I’ll spend my life knocking my head against that wall.”
This excerpt is from John Cage: An Autobiographical Statement, which is filled to the brim with remarkable and inspirational ideas, as is the conversation between John and Paul Cummings. Topics covered: Zen Buddism, Black Mountain College, John’s chess apprenticeship with Duchamp, mythology, Wittgenstein, Malevich, painting, the nature/structure of music, the ‘dialogue’ between arts and artists, etc.
Thinking about Adrian Tomine

Adrian Tomine's New Yorker Cover
I really like this cover illustration by Adrian Tomine for the New Yorker (Feb 25, 2008). I like it so much that I’m going to talk about each frame right now. This will be sort of like ‘brain storming.’
[Going in conventional reading order]
I. I like that the writer is female, kinda seems like it would be lame it if was a male. I like that she has a white Macbook because I’m always suspicious of people who have the more powerful RAM-type black Macbook. Is Apple trying to invert racism by making the black one better? I bet those post-its and pieces of paper on the wall are supposed to be notes, like “chapter. 4, Emile dies,” or “no similes!”
II. I also like that the agent is colored (damn, I don’t think “colored” is the right word — though I’m thinking more of “coloring book” since it’s a cartoon). He seems either Indian or Filipino or Mexican. (Is it funny how you’re either black, white, or brown — and how brown is ‘every other race’?) I don’t like how the binder-clip is in the middle of the manuscript, seems unrealistic.
June 5th, 2009 / 5:05 pm
Off to Russia
In two hours my wife and I leave for the airport to fly to London and then from London we will fly to Moscow. Then after a few days in Moscow, we will fly to St. Petersburg.
We’ll see if I have any good stories/photos when I get back?
In the meantime, check out Zachary Schomburg’s June posts about his trip to Russia last year.
(via Adam Peterson)
Again with the MFA programs
A book review from Louis Menand turns into a pretty evenhanded look at the age old question: Can writing be taught?
I stopped writing poetry after I graduated, and I never published a poem—which places me with the majority of people who have taken a creative-writing class. But I’m sure that the experience of being caught up in this small and fragile enterprise, contemporary poetry, among other people who were caught up in it, too, affected choices I made in life long after I left college. I wouldn’t trade it for anything.
June 5th, 2009 / 2:35 pm
The new site will go live this weekend, unless my wife has a baby.
If you have any observations or criticism in regards to the new site (and give me a little while to get it all working), please flame me in this post.
Love you guys, and I hope my small changes improve your overall HTMLGIANT experience.