Blake Butler
Blake Butler lives in Atlanta. His third book, There Is No Year, is forthcoming April 2011 from Harper Perennial.
Blake Butler lives in Atlanta. His third book, There Is No Year, is forthcoming April 2011 from Harper Perennial.
Cool idea here: Flatmancrooked’s LAUNCH program. Interested to see how this goes down. Emma Straub is nice.
I like when rappers rhyme one phrase with the same phrase. Like Jeezy says, “I commentate the game like John Madden / Cause I played in the game like John Madden.” For sure. What’s your favorite forced rhyme?
I love Chelsea Martin.
Somebody had said to me, What does Chelsea Martin smell like? & I said, she smells like Chelsea M.
I haven’t met her, but I know.
For real, I have an extra copy of her book Everything Was Fine Until Whatever. I want to give it to someone.
Post a comment in this thread, somehow involving the word ‘Chelsea’ and I will enter you into a drawing for the book. This will go on until whatever.
If you don’t know love, here’s how to find out: I $ You. I have employed some of the ideas here and they have vastly altered the trajectory of my life.
You can also purchase the book with your own $ here: Future Tense Books
Inspired today by Lincoln Michel’s tweet: ‘Kryptonite or Stay Fly?,’ over which I’ve been conflicted all day (and all night), another question for ya’lls, perhaps the first in a series of ‘WKoBaY’ heads up battles:
Derek White is entering the new-text-yard pleasingly: || | || CASTing A HEXaGRAM : NEXT ∃XIsT ∀mPIRE ARK N j∩NY || | ||. My man inventing his own languageses n whatnot, blogstyle. Loved. “…left the SKY cracked open like a confetti-egg bleeding pyres, running along the new “highline,” then south along the Hudson UNtil I could see elliIS ISland & the staTUE of LIBerty through the fog…”
I’ve been thinking for a while now about getting a tattoo of this line from this book. Are text tattoos stupid? Do they blur badly over time? Where would one get a 60 word quote tattooed on their body? I’ve been thinking around my wrist but seems rash, and maybe bad. Text tattoo thoughts? Suggestions? Heeding? Help me figure this out. I’m probably just running my yap.
Pretty stoked on this forthcoming new novel from the dark dad, Nick Cave. Here’s him speaking tongues from Chap 3 of his new forthcoming novel The Death of Bunny Munro:
Musicians who can actually write are pretty rare, for sure. Nick ain’t no joke. (On a side note, would someone please rerelease Michael Gira’s The Consumer? Why hasn’t that happened yet? Derek, Calamari?)
See more videos and a whole lot more at the book’s website.
I am home from The Dollar Store Show Tour, thanks to all who came out and hung out and were rad people, I had a blast. Back to living on a netbox. Upon my return, I’d like to welcome the advent of the newest HTMLGiant contributor Chris Higgs, who I couldn’t be much more excited about having on board. Welcome, Chris.
From the minds of Daniel Borzutzky, Brian Whitener, and Steven Hendricks, the ultra new and sexfed Displaced Press, who have come out of the gates hard and strong with two titles of powertext, one a translation by Johannes Göransson of Johan Jönson, Collobert Orbital, and Yedda Morrison’s girl scout nation. Both titles have just been released, and are available through the press’s site, as well as via SPD.
Check the specs: