Matthew Simmons

Matthew Simmons lives in Seattle.
Matthew Simmons lives in Seattle.
Howard Finster on why he did what he did:
JC: How did this start?
HF: Well, you know. Like, if you had a place itching up here on your head, Johnny? And the first time you put your hand up here you put your hand where it is—don’t matter where it is, you put your hand on it, you know? And if you was to ask me to scratch it, I wouldn’t know where to look. See, I just had a feeling to build this garden, like you know when you have a feeling right where to scratch.
The other half of the interview after the jump.
I kind of like rejections, now. I have gotten so many they no longer really cut my heart out like they did at the beginning. But, you know.
How do you feel about rejection?
The guy who shot those women at a gym had a website. Catherine linked to it a while back. It shared all his weird, angry thoughts about women. The guy who did this? He has/d a blog. It’s really fucked. I will likely spend the weekend reading it.
Okay, that Swedish guy kills this.
Also, my head hurts a little. Here is assistance.
Over at The Rumpus, Jami Attenberg says that Everything Matters! by Ron Currie Jr. is that last book she loved. Coincidentally, this is also the last book I loved. Currie is a smart, funny writer, and his book is fantastic.
“The surprise with which a detective novel concludes should set up tragic vibrations which run backward through the entire structure.”
That’s Kenneth Millar, better known as Ross Macdonald, who wrote eighteen Lew Archer novels over thirty years before Alzheimer’s put an end to his career. Incredibly, as the man got closer and closer to Alzheimer’s, his structures, those surprises, only became more and more complex. The best of his novels, from The Galton Case right on through to The Blue Hammer must have required extraordinary mental effort just to keep the characters straight, which, of course, they never were to begin with.
Macdonald’s characters rarely have fixed identities. Those surprises that he mentions in the quote are less Agatha Christie or Sherlock Holmes than “General Hospital”: a wife is really her husband’s daughter, a Frenchman is really a Panamanian, but also really a Frenchman, etc. Like I said, complex. Phantasmagoric even. Sometimes illegal. READ MORE >
I forgot to mention this: Michael Martone’s 4 for a Quarter twitter feed is brilliant.
Recently in the comments section of this post, DD mentioned Michael Martone’s workshop reading list. Dear Leader responded by asking for the full list. DD didn’t have the list handy.
So I wrote to him to see if he would share it with us. First, he said his recent workshops don’t have a book list except, “Hyde’s The Gift and a baby name book called Beyond Jennifer and Jason. Also The Mac is Not a Typewriter and sometimes Mr. Wilson’s Cabinet of Wonder.”
But, he teaches a class called American Short Fiction of the 70’s and 80’s, and was happy to share the reading list. It—and more—appear after the jump: READ MORE >
After that, read this fantastic article about The Landmark Forum from The Believer.
I feel better about myself after watching that.