Blake Butler

Blake Butler lives in Atlanta. His third book, There Is No Year, is forthcoming April 2011 from Harper Perennial.

Paragraphs I Would Probably Stab My Dick To Have Written (1): Barry Hannah


Geronimo Rex, pg. 142, first full graph:

Other nights Fleece explained to me how he had declared himself–he was going to be a doctor and study how “one suffers in the meat.” “I was always a meatball,” he said. “I’m going to be the best doctor Mississippi ever produced. They’ll bring in some whore whose boyfriend has shot her in the cunt pointblank with a shotgun and alongside her her boyfriend also, who thought he commited suicide putting the last shot into his navel, and I’ll put on my mask, wave my hands with some instruments, and bring them back Romeo and Juliet.”

Excerpts / 34 Comments
April 3rd, 2009 / 6:57 pm


New from Publishing Genius’s ‘This PDF Chapbook‘ series, what is now probably my favorite of all of the releases thus far, a new one from the megabrained Chris Higgs:


Author Spotlight / 13 Comments
April 2nd, 2009 / 12:18 pm

‘I Will Smash You’

Michael Kimball and Luca Dipierro have been working for a while now on a video project, ‘I Will Smash You,’ which entails, essentially, videos of people smashing stuff, most often items germane in some way to their life.

A new trailer for the film features Michael Kimball going to town on a desk, which is a dark fantasy I live through almost every day. It is nice to see the release contained:


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March 31st, 2009 / 1:38 pm


ligonlarggeJust out from Autumn House Press, the new collection from one of my favorite people around, Samuel Ligon, titled ‘Drift and Swerve.’

I’ve been reading this book slowly for the past few weeks now, taking my time with each story in the collection, as the scope here is just ridiculous: I’ve really never seen an author who can speak in so many different modes and voices, all while sounding from the same pen, and of a unified and extremely singular vision.


Author Spotlight / 18 Comments
March 30th, 2009 / 6:36 pm

Tyrant 6: !!!


Um, what the hell: the line up for the new issue of New York Tyrant has just been released, and, well, if you still have eyes, you might get ready to lose them:

300 pages of the best one yet.

A whole new batch of art from Mr. Atticus Lish!

Kevin Sampsell interviews Diane Williams

fiction from:
Thomas Bernhard
Rachel Sherman
Justin Taylor
Christine Schutt
Cooper Renner
Daryl Scroggins
Scott Garson
Anthony Luebbert
Christopher Kennedy
Jesse Ball
Daniel Grandbois
Michael Hemmingson
Darby Larson
Karl Taro Greenfeld
Ken Sparling
Robert Lopez
S.G. Miller
Kim Chinquee
Jason Snyder
Jessica Blau
Michael Leone

I think I would listen to the Thong Song for a week straight if I had to to get a hunk of this. I don’t know what made me just think of the Thong Song.

You can preorder the issue now on the Tyrant website, which is also currently running the Sampsell/Williams interview in full for your enjoyment.

Every new issue of the Tyrant is a spectacle of power and light. If not yer eyes, this one might take yer lungs out. Or your ovaries. Or you might get ovary-implanted. Either way, go get, before it sells out, as they always do.

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March 24th, 2009 / 6:34 pm

Dzanc Creative Writing Seminars

New from the always creation-forward Dzanc Books comes the DCWS, a pay-by-the-hour series offering 1 on 1 creative writing tutorials online with a wide range of incredible authors.

Dzanc Books is pleased to announce our newest program: the Dzanc Creative Writing Sessions. The DCWS is an online program that will allow writers to work one-on-one with published authors and editors to shape their short story/novel/poem/etc.


Web Hype / 14 Comments
March 19th, 2009 / 12:49 pm

“Church and State” (guest posted by Rauan Klassnik)

or “Michael Schiavo’s Negative Review of Matthew Dickman’s All-American Poem” (“The Anti-Whitman or Out of Many, Me, Me, Me: Matthew Dickman’s All American Poem.”)

[A guest post (hopefully the first of many) by Rauan Klassnik -ed.]


Michael Schiavo has written a very passionate and very negative review of Matthew Dickman and his poetry.

In the aftermath of his review Michael Schiavo has stated that he doesn’t “plan on doing negative reviews, especially of this intensity, often. But (he) will do so when necessary. And this was necessary. Big picture.”

Michael has also since written that Dickman’s poetry is not even worthy of being called “shit.”

“To even describe these poems as shit is to assign value to them. Shit is the root of things, rids the body of toxins while building up the natural world that surrounds us. It’s part of nature, part of a process that has meaning and power behind it. It’s disconcerting to hold in your hand something that rightly shouldn’t exist.”


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March 17th, 2009 / 12:13 pm

Terms I am tired of Hearing

derfetterusse__poetHaving been around writers more than usual lately, I’ve found myself disgruntled with some of the jargon and stylizing that comes up: not necessarily as a matter of pretension, but more as habits.

I’m the kind of guy that can’t stand to sit in a movie next to the dude eating popcorn with his mouth open. Gum chewing really nicks my nerves.

In that mind, here are 4 writing-related speech manners that seem all over the place and really crank my crank.


Random / 254 Comments
March 14th, 2009 / 3:02 pm

Michael Cera

mc30Michael Cera is in McSweeney’s issue 30.



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March 4th, 2009 / 11:57 am

Sir! Vol. 2

S I R ! M A G A Z I N E issue 2 is live as hell…


I S S U E 2

Featuring work from

Chris Tonelli
Sara Guest
Carrie Hunter
Aaron Burch
Sarah Bartlett
Mark Leidner
Ryan Bradley
Reb Livingston
Jen Pieroni
Paul Siegell
Corey Mesler
Spencer Troxell

Cover painting and site design by E.B. Goodale

One of my favorite new compendiums of wild, please believe this shit is tight like nuts n bolts, sluts n hoes that get evicted…

Do the read!

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March 4th, 2009 / 1:17 am