Matthew Simmons

Matthew Simmons lives in Seattle.
Matthew Simmons lives in Seattle.
That’s the opening to the movie WAX: The Discovery of Television Among the Bees.
Watch the whole movie here on WAXWeb, where the film exists as a hypertext document.
According to the New York Times, WAX was the first movie on the internet.
David Blair, the filmmaker, combines found footage with his own scenes and narration to tell the story of a beekeeper interested in the dead.
Those familiar with Craig Baldwin’s movies—like the wonderful Tribulation 99 or the copyright infringement celebration that is Sonic Outlaws—might enjoy Blair’s movie, too.
Someone on IMDB said:
“i gave it 3/10 and even that’s a gift. the strange thing is that i can’t keep myself from suggesting certain people see it. hopefully you’re not one of them. the quality is impossibly bad yet somehow some elements sort of stuck in my brain. if you figure out what that’s about, let me know?”
So, there’s a recommendation for you. If you figure out what the movie is about, let that person know.
Felt better putting this up a couple of days after the anniversary:
This is the great nightmare when you are doing something long and hard—you’re terrified that it will be perceived as gratuitously long and hard, as some “avant garde for its own sake” exercise. And having done some of that stuff, I think, early in my career, I was really scared about it. The trick of this—I’ve got this whole rant about it—I think a lot of avant garde fiction and serious literary fiction that bitches and moans about readers defection, in blaming it all on TV, a lot of the avant garde has forgotten that part of its job is to seduce the reader into being willing to do the hard work.
—David Foster Wallace talking about Infinite Jest on Bookworm.
Congratulations to anyone who enjoyed an Infinite Summer.
(Can I express my quiet dismay over the idea that a fine tribute to a great writer is moving on and, sans name and domain change, becoming a book club? I have nothing against book clubs. I have nothing against Dracula. I guess I don’t really understand, though, why a thing can’t have a single focus, carry out a task until completion, and then just end.)
(No snark here. I love this song.)
Jenny Holzer temporary tattoo set for sale at the Whitney. They might make a nice party favor.
For the last week, a fever has been kicking my ass.
At the same time, in the moments where my brain hasn’t been too soft and clouded to concentrate on reading, something else has been kicking my ass. It’s Bill Cotter‘s book, Fever Chart now available from McSweeney‘s.
Open question. You have probably on your own come up with your 15 living towering literary artists, right? Now make a list of your 15 favorite living literary artists. These list are maybe close. Maybe, though, they are very different. Why? What does this say about what you like and what you recognize as “important?”
The inspirational part of this video for me starts about 2 minutes in.
[Announcer] We spoke to Gerard earlier about his strategy. I’d like you to understand exactly what he thinks.
[Gerard] Hello, I’m Gerard Gordeau. I’m a fighter of Holland. And my discipline is savate, the French boxing. The same like kickboxing, only without knees. I hope that I win the tournament, and I don’t make mistakes.
Julia Wertz—the elegant and demure flower behind the comic Fart Party—has a chronic condition, no health insurance, and a giant bill from a recent emergency room trip. So she’s having a fundraiser. Also, health care reform is insane and socialist, and our current system is completely awesome and also “death panels” or something.
Almost certain I’ve linked to this before, but here are Aesop Rock’s Top Ten Breakfast cereals.
Lyrics after the jump. READ MORE >
Re: that new language that Blake is looking for in which to write a book, here it is.