NANO FICTION CONTEST: go here for contest of writing. you can win american money. you can be a famous writer. you can be strong and healthy. you can survive a tornado. you can kick rick moranis in the balls so hard he falls to the ground gagging. i like nano.
Semiserious to Probably Unserious Q
What are 3 literary journals that you feel would “change your life” if you were published in them? Do you believe your life could be changed by publishing a writing? Does it matter?
June 9th, 2009 / 11:20 pm
More Harper’s Love
Stuff curated and created by Harper’s Magazine that caused me to purchase a 2-year subscription this evening: The Yearly Review of 2008, which I found depressing and weirdly calming all at once, all of David Foster Wallace’s essays & stories, especially the presence of Everything Is Green, published 1989, year of my birth, a funny and effective piece titled Poetry Bailout Will Restore Confidence of Readers — c’mon, that’s funny — and the entirety of Sentences, a year-long blog run by Wyatt Mason, fervent literary critic, especially these recent posts in which Wyatt points out that Emerson got distracted too, sans Twitter and email and such, extols the quality of handmade books (score for chapbook makers such as MLP), and walks his audience through/geeks out over the online interactive multi-draft version of Madame Bovary. Go Harper’s, Wyatt, et al.!
June 9th, 2009 / 10:34 pm
“What a Wonderful World”: a guest post by Reynard Seifert
It all started when my girlfriend read this East Bay Express review:
June 9th, 2009 / 7:22 pm
Learned about this from Matt Bell: Ann Arbor’s Shaman Drum bookstore is closing. In good Matt Bell news, his book How They Were Found will be published by Keyhole Press next Fall. Of course, as all the bookstores will have closed by then, you will have to buy it online.
The Rumpus Long Interview with Dave Eggers, who I think is a charitable, talented guy. It’s sad that there’s such a pervasive Hate Eggers club out there, existing outside of artistic criticism.
Success, bros ‘?’ : On Twitter, Brandon Scott Gorrell (@lydiadavis) said: ‘my blog is 4th of 38.4 million in google search of “short story contest winner”‘. Graphic designer, writer & dad David Barringer talks about design, the changing model of freelance work, and e-readers being equivalent to fax technology. Robbie from New Jersey one-ups poets everywhere. And Wordnik gives you a lot of information about words; still no O.E.D. references, though.
On advertising
The Rumpus editor Stephen Elliott (excerpted introduction to their first monthly Rumpus) at the Make Out Room in San Francisco last night.
Commentary after the break.