Matthew Simmons

Matthew Simmons lives in Seattle.
Matthew Simmons lives in Seattle.
Yeah. I was wrong. Sorry, everybody. My bad.
See? Sing me a story.
Socialistic terminology permeates English translations of the Bible, without justification. This improperly encourages the “social justice” movement among Christians.
For example, the conservative word “volunteer” is mentioned only once in the ESV, yet the socialistic word “comrade” is used three times, “laborer(s)” is used 13 times, “labored” 15 times, and “fellow” (as in “fellow worker”) is used 55 times.
The Conservative Bible Project.
Maybe they can just remove Jesus entirely.
The new Hobart is up today, and it includes some fantastic pieces of fiction. But, as my gig over there is as interviews editor, I thought I might point to the two fine interviews available.
Amy Minton—one of my go-to interviewers—talks to Molly Gaudry about her novella We Take Me Apart.
But my ultimate white whale is Salman Rushdie’s Midnight’s Children — not because I can’t get through it, but because it’s so incredible (I had to read it for a postmodernism course, a course on diasporic traditions, a contemporary fiction course, the list goes on). That book, I feel, is so important, necessary. I want to do that, but in a different way.
Also, I had a short conversation with Patrick DeWitt about his amazing, amazing novel Ablutions. If you haven’t read Ablutions, do so very soon.
Today, the Russians launched a clown into space. He’s the first space clown, ever. The clown paid $35 million to go into space, where he intends to publicize the world’s dwindling supply of clean water.
From a news perspective, this story is just full of hooks. First clown in space. Paid $35 million dollars. Millionaire clown. Buying your way into space.
It’s just—well, the clean water thing. It’s one hook too many. His clean water awareness mission is entirely buried by the fact that he’s the first millionaire clown to buy his way to the international space station. He’s going to be a sad clown. Swimming in polluted water.
I can’t tell you how many stories I’ve read that seemed to me to be a bunch of quirky ideas thrown together, as if the writer was hoping one would really stick. I can’t tell you how many times those stories have been MY stories.
Don’t do it, everybody. Don’t bury the point with your ideas. They’ll tempt you. They do that.
(Prize for the first commenter to identify the image above. And not just who it is. Why it is appropriate, too.)
Blake’s remix contest—which celebrates the beauty of taking something nice and fucking it up—results are in. The winner of the contest was Krammer Abrahams.
Couple of Giants made it in, too. Chris Higgs did a erasure of the whole book, which I skimmed through and loved the results of. Catherine is in there, too. I have a little thing—anagrams of the first few paragraphs of the story in question, “Tour of a Drowned Neighborhood”—also.
Lots of other friends, commentators, and relations. Two pieces by Brian Evenson, too! It’s Scrotal Cash. Download it here.
Be inspired, poets and prose writers.
The absolutely brilliant Heather McHugh has won a MacArthur Grant. (Deborah Eisenberg and Edwidge Danticat also won, but Heather is a favorite of mine.)
Girls Against Boys (Thanks for the link, Michael.)