Matthew Simmons

Matthew Simmons lives in Seattle.
Matthew Simmons lives in Seattle.
Dear Leader’s book is in. Two things. 1) Book seems to have sustained water damage in shipping. (Har har.) 2) If his description of seeing the book for the first time is accurate, he was naked when he opened the box. NICE!
Former Giant contributor and author we love Shane Jones will have his book The Failure Six published by Fugue State Press in January 2010, but those who pre-order now will receive the book and a “surprise” in October.
the surprise is similar to the surprise in those boxes of popcorn
could be a chapbook, could be edited pages not included in the book, could be signed copy
could be a picture of gene morgans mom—Shane via a gmail chat
The Fugue State Press site also includes an excerpt from the book here.
See also:
Chris Pell’s Failure Six illustrations.
Personally, I can’t wait to read this.
Hey, howsabout a joke?
One writer says to another writer: So, what are you working on?
Other writer says: Oh, I’ve been writing a novel.
First writer says: Yeah, me neither.
Got another? Let’s hear it.
Something else: a quick note of thanks to all those who donated to or simply wished me the best on my Race for the Cure run on Sunday, June 7. I managed to meet and exceed my $400 goal. I also managed to run the 5k without stopping at the top of any of the hills to catch my breath, and crossed the finish line in 24 or so minutes. Not bad for a fat guy. Anyone still itching to help out might consider donating a little to HTML Giant regular reader David Heath. He’s walking farther than I ran, and collecting a lot more. Every little bit helps.
Last time I linked to a Twitter feed, it was Fake Steve Buscemi. Brought up all sorts of questions of identity and all that. This is different. I’m not sure if it’s possible at this moment to confirm the identity of this person—and certainly don’t think I have the ability to do so—but regardless, for the next couple of days, YOU SHOULD WATCH THIS PERSON’S UPDATES.
I think, though, it is fair to say that I remain intimidated by poetry, as I am merely a prose writer who wishes he had the facility to express himself poetically with the power that a rare few do.
When I get intimidated, I figure it’s best to just say what I like about a piece of work and let the rest discover it without the subtracting influence of my numb-fingered, foggy-brained keyboard tappings on the it. Here goes. READ MORE >
Learned about this from Matt Bell: Ann Arbor’s Shaman Drum bookstore is closing. In good Matt Bell news, his book How They Were Found will be published by Keyhole Press next Fall. Of course, as all the bookstores will have closed by then, you will have to buy it online.
Bennett Cerf asks:
Do you have a restless urge to write?
If you do, here is an opportunity for you to take the first important step to success in writing. READ MORE >