June 2009

Tim Gautreaux’s story “Idols” in the latest New Yorker imagines the continued life of Obadiah Elihue, the character from Flannery O’Connor’s story, “Parker’s Back”, which I wrote about here. Good stuff.

Rumpus “Long Interview with Dave Eggers”

Seriously, that’s what it’s called and that’s what it is. Stephen’s talking to Dave about the latter’s new nonfiction book, Zeitoun. Here’s a taste. Click anywhere to get the full serving.

Rumpus: The book is about Abdulrahman and Kathy Zeitoun, who have lived in New Orleans for a long time. Abdulrahman stays in the city during the hurricane, and afterward he begins to canoe around the city trying to help people. How did you meet the Zeitouns?

Eggers: We have this series of books called Voice of Witness, where we use oral history as a window into human rights crises. Back in 2005, right after Hurricane Katrina, a group came together in New Orleans and elsewhere, and they interviewed New Orleanians about their experiences before, during and after the storm. The book became Voices from the Storm, edited by Chris Ying and Lola Vollen, and one of the narrators in that book was Abdulrahman Zeitoun.

Author Spotlight / 2 Comments
June 22nd, 2009 / 3:35 pm

Poetry! In MOTION!

Hey nerds! Guess what I did this weekend? I played BASKETBALL which is a sport! Also, I watched SOCCER which is also a sport! Also I watched GOLF which may or may not be a sport! but it probably is a sport!

Which got me thinkin about WASHINGTON WIZARDS POWERFORWARDS! Mostly Oleksiy Pecherov but also Etan Thomas! He has a book of poetry called ‘More Than an Athlete‘ which I can totally relate to because while I am a WRITER I am MORE Than a Writer! I am also a man who can make an occasional lay-up (that is when you shoot the basketball from very close range off of the backboard and it goes through the hoop and then you get a high five!) and an occasional grilled cheese sandwich!

Other favorite books of poetry by athletes:

Mike Tyson – Heartsongs
Charles Barkley – Every Angel is Turrible
Tiger Woods – Dare Thy Fearful Symmetry:  Poems About Augusta
Darryl Strawberry – Strawberries in Heaven:  Translations from Grzegorz Musial

Nice work gentlemen!  If only Lauren Conrad could hoop it up; she’d be the ultimate TRIPLE THREAT!

Massive People / 14 Comments
June 22nd, 2009 / 1:00 pm

Talkin’ Blood Meridian: The Harold Bloom Onion A/V Club Interview

Wonder and delight!!!! (Also: Terror and violence!!!!)

Recently The Onion chose Blood Meridian for their Wrapped Up in Books feature, and then they decided to kick things to the next level by calling up Harold Bloom to talk about it with them in an Onion A/V Club interview not to be missed. And what are the first words out of Professor Bloom’s mouth? “I read it on the recommendation of a friend, Gordon Lish, a New York book editor and a specialist in fiction”

It’s Monday morning and I love life, not just because of the above, but the above sure as damn doesn’t hurt. One more money quote (they’re all money quotes) then you need to go click through and read the whole thing.

The first time I read Blood Meridian, I was so appalled that while I was held, I gave up after about 60 pages. I don’t think I was feeling very well then anyway; my health was going through a bad time, and it was more than I could take. But it intrigued me, because there was no question about the quality of the writing, which is stunning. So I went back a second time, and I got, I don’t remember… 140, 150 pages, and then, I think it was the Judge who got me. He was beginning to give me nightmares just as he gives the kid nightmares. And then the third time, it went off like a shot. I went straight through it and was exhilarated.

Excerpts / 36 Comments
June 22nd, 2009 / 10:49 am

For those interested in book object art/design, if you haven’t already explored the archives at A Journey Round My Skull, I hope you have a couple hours…

Science Hour / Hop on the Magic Schoolbus!


Via Robbie Cooper again.  He’s on fire.

The meat of the linguistics stuff is around the 20 minute mark, but I recommend watching the whole thing diligently.   Es bueno.  (See what I did there?)

Uncategorized / 12 Comments
June 21st, 2009 / 8:37 pm

Slate’s audio book club is talking about Cheever’s “The Swimmer” and O’Connor’s “A Good Man is Hard to Find.” Don’t know why they’re doing that, but uh– sweet? Yes, sweet. **UPDATE** “And the reason we’re doing this is there are two big new biographies out of each writer.” – Meghan O’Rourke, 00:39.

I’m so mad at parades.


Random / 24 Comments
June 21st, 2009 / 4:30 am