December 14th, 2008 / 1:59 am
I Like __ A Lot

i really super-like MARTIN HEIDEGGER a lot

the book BEING AND TIME (SEIN UND ZEIT) is the most important book i have read.  i feel confident saying that because i have thought “this is the most important book i have read” numerous times in the past and it keeps happening.  i am pleased even when i just pass by the book in my room, and look at it.  it is the only book of philosophy, along with the TRACTATUS, that i felt an immediate change in my life, not just like, “i am somewhat impressed by this” but a condition in which i keep thinking about the application of the book to basically everything that happens to me.  when i think about the chapter that discusses something called the THEY-SELF, i feel terrified. sometimes i just look at the name MARTIN HEIDEGGER and start singing the theme song from MARTIN (the television show with MARTIN LAWRENCE), but i picture MARTIN HEIDEGGER walking into a room with a laughing audience.  

MARTIN HEIDEGGER was a nazi.  i am pretty sure you can find pictures of him sitting next to ADOLF HITLER and other bad nazi guys.  i have read some discussion of how the philosophy of SEIN UND ZEIT prefigures the nazi party or being a bad nazi guy, or a bad nazi guy’s friend.  i am confused about what similarity exists between SEIN UND ZEIT and the nazi party, and when i read things that suggest a connection, i often think “it seems like no one read the book.”  then i feel bad because i don’t want to be mean.  i think SEIN UND ZEIT is important to me because it involves everything in its explanation.  it applies to reading but even like if i am eating a bagel while waiting for the bus, that could be explained by SEIN UND ZEIT.  in closing, i am not a nazi but SEIN UND ZEIT is currently the most important book i have read.

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  1. gazpromdate

      I feel this way about levinas sometimes.

  2. gazpromdate

      I feel this way about levinas sometimes.

  3. mike young

      hey, i feel the same way about levinas. sam, do you like levinas too?

  4. mike young

      hey, i feel the same way about levinas. sam, do you like levinas too?

  5. Ken Baumann

      I look forward to reading Being and Time.

  6. Ken Baumann

      I look forward to reading Being and Time.

  7. sampink

      i am having difficulty remembering reading any levinas but if you think there is a particular book you’d recommend i will read it.

      ken, there will be many moments when you are reading it in which you will cover your mouth with one hand and swing a t shirt around in your other hand, like someone just got dunked on hardcore.

      if i am remembering accurately, martin heidegger was working at a university and he had been there for a while and someone on the faculty came into his office and said that he had to publish something soon, and then martin heidegger handed him the manuscript for BEING AND TIME.

  8. sampink

      i am having difficulty remembering reading any levinas but if you think there is a particular book you’d recommend i will read it.

      ken, there will be many moments when you are reading it in which you will cover your mouth with one hand and swing a t shirt around in your other hand, like someone just got dunked on hardcore.

      if i am remembering accurately, martin heidegger was working at a university and he had been there for a while and someone on the faculty came into his office and said that he had to publish something soon, and then martin heidegger handed him the manuscript for BEING AND TIME.

  9. daniel bailey

      i don’t like like nazis. i also don’t like republicans or democrats. libertarians are full of shit. the green party is just an excuse to have a party and talk about recycling, i think. people who claim to be communists are really fucking boring. people who claim to be socialists are always potheads who never do anything but smoke pot and try to think of ways to oh shit they forgot what they believe in. i also have never heard of this guy.

      people believing in things other than one day to the next type belief is disappointing to me.

  10. daniel bailey

      i don’t like like nazis. i also don’t like republicans or democrats. libertarians are full of shit. the green party is just an excuse to have a party and talk about recycling, i think. people who claim to be communists are really fucking boring. people who claim to be socialists are always potheads who never do anything but smoke pot and try to think of ways to oh shit they forgot what they believe in. i also have never heard of this guy.

      people believing in things other than one day to the next type belief is disappointing to me.

  11. chicky wang

      Read the book. Seriously.

      Hi Gaz.

  12. chicky wang

      Read the book. Seriously.

      Hi Gaz.

  13. Brad Green

      What is called thinking is a pretty good book too from what I recall.

      Any Sam Pink sentence that doesn’t terminate with a die, motherfucker, die disconcerts me a medium-small amount. Without the die, motherfucker, die, I basically begin to see Sam Pink as a real individual instead of a internet construct and Sam Pink as a real individual is more terrifying then Sam Pink as an internet construct.

  14. Brad Green

      What is called thinking is a pretty good book too from what I recall.

      Any Sam Pink sentence that doesn’t terminate with a die, motherfucker, die disconcerts me a medium-small amount. Without the die, motherfucker, die, I basically begin to see Sam Pink as a real individual instead of a internet construct and Sam Pink as a real individual is more terrifying then Sam Pink as an internet construct.

  15. duder

      another hard-hitting post courtesy of HTML GIANT!

  16. duder

      another hard-hitting post courtesy of HTML GIANT!

  17. pr

      I think Heidegger was a pro-nazi sympathizer before the war primarily, but I could be wrong. I read him a looong time ago and thought he was quite brilliant. More recently, I read Hannah Arendt- who was his lover and Jewish- and thought very highly of her contraversial book, Eichmann in Jerusalem. She had an amazing brain and was brave beyond belief. What I like about you Sam- besides you saying nice things about my ass- is that you read philosophy, which I don’t manage to do very much. I mostly read fiction. I love that you read so broadly. You are cool.

  18. pr

      I think Heidegger was a pro-nazi sympathizer before the war primarily, but I could be wrong. I read him a looong time ago and thought he was quite brilliant. More recently, I read Hannah Arendt- who was his lover and Jewish- and thought very highly of her contraversial book, Eichmann in Jerusalem. She had an amazing brain and was brave beyond belief. What I like about you Sam- besides you saying nice things about my ass- is that you read philosophy, which I don’t manage to do very much. I mostly read fiction. I love that you read so broadly. You are cool.

  19. gazpromdate

      I would try (levinas) “Entre Nous” or “Totality and Infinity.” “Alterity and Transcendence” is good too. Each is an iteration of similar principles, so any of the above would be a good introduction. . . .

      hey chicky.

  20. gazpromdate

      I would try (levinas) “Entre Nous” or “Totality and Infinity.” “Alterity and Transcendence” is good too. Each is an iteration of similar principles, so any of the above would be a good introduction. . . .

      hey chicky.

  21. Blake Butler

      holy shit sam did you use pics and a break or did somebody edit you, you are growns up maybe

  22. Blake Butler

      holy shit sam did you use pics and a break or did somebody edit you, you are growns up maybe

  23. keith b

      ‘being and time’ is a revelatory anthropology of the human when the human is being ordinary. it’s like an instruction manual–if human’s didn’t exist, an alien force could replicate the human experience and clone its own human colony based on the book. ben marcus’s ‘the age of wire and string’ feels like a similar project, but smaller, and uses buttons, cloth and thread, instead of being, things and world.

      with ‘being and time’ in the same room as me, i look around the room and see what it is to be a living organism, to know my being as ‘care’, both biologically and psychologically. the body has needs it wants to satisfy. the psyche has needs it wants to satisfy. and the individual, even when posing as not caring, is essentially and so desperately full of caring. being human is so strange…

      have you read any of heidegger’s poetry?

      “But poetry that thinks is in truth the topology of Being. This topology tells Being the whereabouts of its actual presence.”

      recently found merleau-ponty. he seems to shift the focus from sheer existence to embodiment (flesh as the manifest unity of being and world). a more grounded and visceral (and still precognized) existential phenomenology. i am so excited. i rub my hands together.. and i am touching the world and it is touching me. oh baby, it is touching me good.

  24. keith b

      ‘being and time’ is a revelatory anthropology of the human when the human is being ordinary. it’s like an instruction manual–if human’s didn’t exist, an alien force could replicate the human experience and clone its own human colony based on the book. ben marcus’s ‘the age of wire and string’ feels like a similar project, but smaller, and uses buttons, cloth and thread, instead of being, things and world.

      with ‘being and time’ in the same room as me, i look around the room and see what it is to be a living organism, to know my being as ‘care’, both biologically and psychologically. the body has needs it wants to satisfy. the psyche has needs it wants to satisfy. and the individual, even when posing as not caring, is essentially and so desperately full of caring. being human is so strange…

      have you read any of heidegger’s poetry?

      “But poetry that thinks is in truth the topology of Being. This topology tells Being the whereabouts of its actual presence.”

      recently found merleau-ponty. he seems to shift the focus from sheer existence to embodiment (flesh as the manifest unity of being and world). a more grounded and visceral (and still precognized) existential phenomenology. i am so excited. i rub my hands together.. and i am touching the world and it is touching me. oh baby, it is touching me good.

  25. barry

      philosophy bores me. especially great philosophy

      there sat down a thing once on sammy’s heart, so heavy. if he had a hundred years and more, weeping, sleepless, in all them time he could not make good

  26. barry

      philosophy bores me. especially great philosophy

      there sat down a thing once on sammy’s heart, so heavy. if he had a hundred years and more, weeping, sleepless, in all them time he could not make good

  27. jereme


      philosphy is man’s preperation for death.

  28. jereme


      philosphy is man’s preperation for death.

  29. pr

      that keith b post there is sort of cool. I don’t read philosophy anymore. i did though. i was really into r.d. laing. Shopenhaeur, too at one point. But that was a long ass time ago. I still appreciate reading reviews of this stuff by mr. sam pink.

  30. barry

      i take that back. stuffy western european philosphy bores me

  31. barry

      i take that back. stuffy western european philosphy bores me

  32. Brad Green

      keith b rocks hard. go here to have your world rocked even harder. He has some really interesting ideas regarding narrative that would likely be quite popular with this crowd. Check him out!

  33. Brad Green

      keith b rocks hard. go here to have your world rocked even harder. He has some really interesting ideas regarding narrative that would likely be quite popular with this crowd. Check him out!

  34. sampink

      daniel bailey, i heart your knees.

      brad, die motherfucker die. what is called thinking is good. so the way to art. and the way to language.

      duder, yes.

      keith, i have not read his poetry.

      pr, i am thinking heidegger was a beast with a beastly dong. i am thinking he said things to hannah like, “my circumspective concern in being-for-pussy may transcend the ontical level to the ontological at any moment and i am a being such that my being concerns the being of dat ass”

      blake, i had my mom help me.

      gazpromdate, i will check that TOTALITY AND INFINITY out.

  35. sampink

      daniel bailey, i heart your knees.

      brad, die motherfucker die. what is called thinking is good. so the way to art. and the way to language.

      duder, yes.

      keith, i have not read his poetry.

      pr, i am thinking heidegger was a beast with a beastly dong. i am thinking he said things to hannah like, “my circumspective concern in being-for-pussy may transcend the ontical level to the ontological at any moment and i am a being such that my being concerns the being of dat ass”

      blake, i had my mom help me.

      gazpromdate, i will check that TOTALITY AND INFINITY out.

  36. sampink

      look at how cute martin heidegger is in that picture. he’s like “it’s just lil ol nazi me.” i should have drawn a little finger going up to his lips like he feels naughty.

  37. sampink

      look at how cute martin heidegger is in that picture. he’s like “it’s just lil ol nazi me.” i should have drawn a little finger going up to his lips like he feels naughty.

  38. barry

      in that pic he looks like he just licked the asshole out of a dirty carolina cotton slave boy

  39. barry

      and loved every second of it

  40. barry

      in that pic he looks like he just licked the asshole out of a dirty carolina cotton slave boy

  41. barry

      and loved every second of it

  42. jereme

      i concur with barry.

      i think if marty were alive today he would have a really sweet van with curtains over the windows and often drive it by grade schools.

  43. jereme

      i concur with barry.

      i think if marty were alive today he would have a really sweet van with curtains over the windows and often drive it by grade schools.

  44. sampink

      barry, ima hafta say it:

      you are the trillest motherfucker around.

      jereme, you said you liked my van.

  45. sampink

      barry, ima hafta say it:

      you are the trillest motherfucker around.

      jereme, you said you liked my van.

  46. jereme


      you lured me in with 5th avenue bars. those fucking things are tasty and hard to come by.

  47. jereme


      you lured me in with 5th avenue bars. those fucking things are tasty and hard to come by.

  48. pr

      “in that pic he looks like he just licked the asshole out of a dirty carolina cotton slave boy” barry graham.

      You know, THAT look. I know that look. you know? that look.

      holy shit. that’s it. i’m getting in the car right now and driving to mich and stalking your ass. fuck my family. you are my one true love.

  49. barry

      i strongly recommend not leaving the children, the hubby, ehh, whatever. y

      ou will regret it. i am a disappointment.

      BG + PR = TRUE LOVE

  50. barry

      i strongly recommend not leaving the children, the hubby, ehh, whatever. y

      ou will regret it. i am a disappointment.

      BG + PR = TRUE LOVE

  51. jereme

      barry is a disappointment like fake boobs on a fat chick.

  52. jereme

      barry is a disappointment like fake boobs on a fat chick.

  53. pr

      I am the only person in my family without fake boobs. Isn’t that wierd?

      The jets won. Now, Giants and cowboys coming up? I feel happy.

  54. barry

      PITTSBURGH… finally the refs got a call right. fuck i thought we were gonna get robbed for a minute.

      come on dallas.

  55. barry

      PITTSBURGH… finally the refs got a call right. fuck i thought we were gonna get robbed for a minute.

      come on dallas.

  56. pr

      dallas? DALLAS??!! barry. I might cry for real. You don’t like Dallas, do you? Nooooooo…say it isn’t true, please.

  57. barry

      no, but i dont like the giants even more.

  58. barry

      no, but i dont like the giants even more.

  59. kathryn regina

      sam i like it when you talk about philosophy. you are so excited. maybe i will try to read being and time. get ready for me to email you every five minutes with questions.

  60. kathryn regina

      sam i like it when you talk about philosophy. you are so excited. maybe i will try to read being and time. get ready for me to email you every five minutes with questions.

  61. pr

      ok- i did some yoga and calmed down. you can hate the giants. i just love you no matter. i like the giants, the colts, green bay, pittsburgh. but i hate dallas. i also hate any team from california, for the most part. i like the bears ok, too. i called the pats cheaters when i was on a glacier trip with my 9 yr old in alaska. i almost got killed by this dogsledder dude who was from MA and that was a scary moment. i like notre dame- i grew up in sb., but i hate lou holtz i like ohio state a bit more than then mich wolverines but that changes day to day. i like tennessees college team. i like nebraskas college team cause of jason peter. i like buffalo ok- i feel for buffalo- sports are so important to that city- otherwise what do they have? I respect buffalo. i like their hockey team, the sabres, in particular. but i know you don’t like hockey. but i love you barry.

  62. barry

      i love the steelers. i like other teams but only because of the players, so my liking ateam can vary year to year depending on the players. i love tom brady. he’s a michigan guy, how can i not. and i like randy moss, so i like the pats, i like clinton portis, kurt warner, braylon edwards, brett favre, so of course i root for them to win. other than pitt, i have no nfl team loyalty.

      college football is always mich and penn state. i like bowling green to but only because all their logos are BG, too bad the colors suck.

      fuck hockey. if i watch basketball its the pistons or the sixers, but thats another sport that its easier to follow players than teams.

      i love baseball. phillies and tigers, of course. i wrote off pitt after they traded barry bonds, same with san fran. barry bonds haters can fuck off. i like lots of baseball teams and players.

      but mostly, i love pr.

  63. barry

      i love the steelers. i like other teams but only because of the players, so my liking ateam can vary year to year depending on the players. i love tom brady. he’s a michigan guy, how can i not. and i like randy moss, so i like the pats, i like clinton portis, kurt warner, braylon edwards, brett favre, so of course i root for them to win. other than pitt, i have no nfl team loyalty.

      college football is always mich and penn state. i like bowling green to but only because all their logos are BG, too bad the colors suck.

      fuck hockey. if i watch basketball its the pistons or the sixers, but thats another sport that its easier to follow players than teams.

      i love baseball. phillies and tigers, of course. i wrote off pitt after they traded barry bonds, same with san fran. barry bonds haters can fuck off. i like lots of baseball teams and players.

      but mostly, i love pr.

  64. gena

      god fucking damn shit fuck cock

  65. gena

      god fucking damn shit fuck cock

  66. barry

      gena. its not nice to use the lords name in vain. today is the sabbath… and you would do right to keep it holy.

  67. barry

      gena. its not nice to use the lords name in vain. today is the sabbath… and you would do right to keep it holy.

  68. ben

      1) pittsburgh steelers afc north champions. barry and i both experienced the same emotions for several hours today, culminating in elation. also thousands of other people. weird/awesome.

      2) a few people have mentioned heidegger’s nazism. this is a very difficult topic and unfortunately distracts largely from his thought. he was at one point a nazi, but his understanding of what national socialism meant was very idiosyncratic and in the end he was incredibly disillusioned. he at one point thought that he could become the ‘spiritual fuhrer’ and lead germany to a 3rd way between american-style capitalism and soviet-style communism. he thought that nazism was an event that he could harness for the overthrowing of metaphysics. unfortunately, some of his actions are really inexcusable and he used the purging of jewism intellectuals as a path to career advancement. then there is the arendt thing, plus his professional relationship with husserl…anyways, the point is that his biography is very complicated and too often i’ve seen people in classroom settings totally reject him out of hand for his politics without taking the thought itself seriously. same thing with carl schmidt.

      regardless, my favorite heidegger essay is probably the question concerning technology, which is in many ways a rejection of nazism/of the horrible deadly logic that lead to his embrace of nazism. i must admit not having read all of being and time. i have a nice old leather bound edition that i found for 5 dollars used and have been going through, but extremely slowly. this is making me want to dive into it more completely.

  69. ben

      1) pittsburgh steelers afc north champions. barry and i both experienced the same emotions for several hours today, culminating in elation. also thousands of other people. weird/awesome.

      2) a few people have mentioned heidegger’s nazism. this is a very difficult topic and unfortunately distracts largely from his thought. he was at one point a nazi, but his understanding of what national socialism meant was very idiosyncratic and in the end he was incredibly disillusioned. he at one point thought that he could become the ‘spiritual fuhrer’ and lead germany to a 3rd way between american-style capitalism and soviet-style communism. he thought that nazism was an event that he could harness for the overthrowing of metaphysics. unfortunately, some of his actions are really inexcusable and he used the purging of jewism intellectuals as a path to career advancement. then there is the arendt thing, plus his professional relationship with husserl…anyways, the point is that his biography is very complicated and too often i’ve seen people in classroom settings totally reject him out of hand for his politics without taking the thought itself seriously. same thing with carl schmidt.

      regardless, my favorite heidegger essay is probably the question concerning technology, which is in many ways a rejection of nazism/of the horrible deadly logic that lead to his embrace of nazism. i must admit not having read all of being and time. i have a nice old leather bound edition that i found for 5 dollars used and have been going through, but extremely slowly. this is making me want to dive into it more completely.

  70. sampink

      yes the technology essay is good.

  71. sampink

      yes the technology essay is good.

  72. barry

      yes pittsbrugh. i think if tennessee drops one more, pitt will get homefield if they both end up 13-3. i could be wrong, but i think i heard that somewhere. chris collinsworth or something, but he’s said so many stupid things this season i dont know.

      i think the pope used to be a nazi.

  73. barry

      yes pittsbrugh. i think if tennessee drops one more, pitt will get homefield if they both end up 13-3. i could be wrong, but i think i heard that somewhere. chris collinsworth or something, but he’s said so many stupid things this season i dont know.

      i think the pope used to be a nazi.

  74. sampink

      go bears.

  75. sampink

      go bears.

  76. ben

      steelers get #1 seed/home field advantage if they beat titans next week. it’s away, so another tough one, but certainly winnable. then we’d have to win the final game (browns at home) also, which we should do.

  77. ben

      steelers get #1 seed/home field advantage if they beat titans next week. it’s away, so another tough one, but certainly winnable. then we’d have to win the final game (browns at home) also, which we should do.

  78. barry

      yeah, thats what i mean. they’d both be 13-3 and pitt gets home field, assuming they beat cleveland.

  79. barry

      yeah, thats what i mean. they’d both be 13-3 and pitt gets home field, assuming they beat cleveland.

  80. gena

      i’m sorry barry, i think i may have tourettes at times

  81. gena

      i’m sorry barry, i think i may have tourettes at times

  82. gena

      especially when i read sam’s posts

  83. gena

      especially when i read sam’s posts

  84. barry

      yeah, sam’s a goddam funny guy

  85. barry

      yeah, sam’s a goddam funny guy

  86. Jereme Dean

      sam is a barrel of blow jobs

  87. Jereme Dean

      sam is a barrel of blow jobs

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      I just added you to my Google News Reader. Keep up the good work. Look forward to reading more from you in the future.

  92. <HTMLGIANT> » Blog Archive » I like existentialism a lot

      […] me feel more lonely. I tried reading Being and Time, and Being and Nothingness by Heidegger [see Pink’s] and Sartre, respectively, but it was sort of like math. Every time they said a sentence, they […]