Sean Lovelace

Sean Lovelace is running right now, far. Other times he teaches at Ball State University. HOW SOME PEOPLE LIKE THEIR EGGS is his flash fiction collection by Rose Metal Press. His works have appeared in Crazyhorse, Diagram, Sonora Review, Willow Springs, and so on.

4 Lick-n-Catch

1.) New Diagram 10.1. It be sick like light socket soup. Go stain yourself.

2.) Russia glow will dig Moscow & St. Petersburg 1900 to 1920: Art, Life and Culture in Russia’s Silver Age and this Bookslut interview.

3.) What book speckles/sighs the floorboard of your car right now? I have a copy of Hayden’s Ferry, a Gary Lutz, and a 2009 Best Magazine Writing. The Lutz has a snow/melt coffee stain on its cover and I haven’t even spatulaed the book yet. Oh well. Won’t hurt the sentence none.

4.) The Cows


Author Spotlight / 18 Comments
March 1st, 2010 / 11:42 am

Go Ahead: It is Friday

my father warned me about men and booze but he never said anything about women and cocaine.

for seasickness? a glass of champagne.

the sooner you know your lines the sooner we can go out for a drink.

look at that bitch, carl, look at that!

la-dee-da, lost at sea again…

i am hag-ridden with ambition.

this isn’t drink. It’s only wine!

dance? I’ll waltz your ass right up against that wall.

a blend of champagne, gin, a spot of sugar, a squirt of lemon juice, the whole topped off with a brandy float.

i don’t want to be taught!

i’m quick on the bottle.

codeine…bourbon… (last words [?])

if I had to live my life again, I’d make the same mistakes, only sooner.

Film & Random / 22 Comments
February 26th, 2010 / 5:32 pm

5 noggles of rye

1.) Every editor for every Best American series 2010 is a white guy.

2.) I stumbled across this Julia Harris blog. Pretty ordinary, but I was amused by the sidebar Percival Everett–“cocky writer of many books– hate. Julia needs to drop by for Mean Week.

3.) I have been blinking into some of the Xbox games everyone here suggested. I notice they keep asking me to make ethical decisions. Is that the new trend in games, or what makes them “literary”? The Call of Duty crazy in that scope clarity makes human look human and then you bring the rain/pain from high above like god or government. Little green people scurrying. I feel excited and dirty while playing. Maybe the point?

4.) A powerful article on violence, women and violence, literature and women and men and violence. Smart.

5.) Snow loses its beauty.

Author News & Random & Technology / 74 Comments
February 26th, 2010 / 10:44 am


1.) Weather by David. “Blue skies but covered with streaking thin masses of white clouds.”

2.) Probably the most glow “new” Andy Warhol book here.

3.) The PEN/Faulkner Award finalists announced today. Tao Lin is not on the list and that is fucking cocksucker horseshit fuck. Fuck. Sherman Alexie (the Man we all be-sweet-on) and that snarky L. Moore book are thick, gray, cement-like children educated in Switzerland. I mean goooooooooooold.

(The PEN is America’s “largest peer-juried prize for fiction” but I thought that was American Idol.)

4.) The Heavy Rain reviews drizzle on in now. Dripping.

5.) Will someone do something about contributor notes? Jesus H Lard. If you are 1.) trying to get laid, 2.) have the self-esteem of an ID badge, 3.) ever owned a dog, 4.) have a spouse you very, very, very much love, got it, you are in love, the real thing, you can’t believe you found this supportive, caring…5.) have once in your life been president of anything, 6.) have been nominated for a Pushcart Prize.

OK this is cool. And this.

But if not…just tone it down, I’m trying to read over here.


Web Hype / 46 Comments
February 24th, 2010 / 6:49 pm

Back Flash: Margaret Atwood

–like she’s pretending to write a story but really examining plot, the art, the control, all that writer shit. It’s like a trick and a lesion.

–Yes, I know. But it’s a book I’m saying, not just that story.

–Well, people only know that plot story. It’s a trick, you know, meta, but a legion, sort of supposed to teach you—like with Buddha, a Kola. You could use it in class plenty.

–You mean a Koan.

–Yeh, a colon. A story not about the story. Sharp as a cat’s eye. Lorrie Moore did it and then Grace Paley, too.

–No, no, you’re off-focus. Forget the plot picking. I’m saying it’s a book. Atwood did a whole flash book. It goes out of print because so many people think flash fiction is the lining of a diseased lung. Well, it was coughed up and won the Booker. I don’t know how these things work.

–You mean Fletch?

–No, no, phlegm, not Fletch. Just read the book, if you can find it.

Author Spotlight / Comments Off on Back Flash: Margaret Atwood
February 24th, 2010 / 1:32 pm

6 Things of Scin

1. Sonora Review jump-jacked their flash fiction contest deadline. It is now May 1 (Bach’s death-day). Joe Wenderoth is the final judge. It pays a cool G (or 4000 draft PBRs in little plastic cups at Egan’s, Tuscaloosa, Alabama.)

It’s dirty, it’s dark, it’s loud, and it’s VERY smoky.

2. Or: A student on Tuesday asked “Why write if you are not going to publish?” Fair enough, BUT. Have you ever played chess on a back porch? Ever swam in a river, with no intention of crossing? The discussion blossomed. Writing as enjoyable play? Period.

3. Ever lipped something 100% not yours but kick ass at a reading and told no one? Ever. It is VERY fun. Try it. (Stories welcome)

4. Lit and gaming going to keep stadium lamping/furry cheeking one another. You can feel it, prickly on your skin. If Cage is right, both about the stakes and the merits of his creation, then gaming could be about to embark on an extraordinary transition, and in 20 years’ time, the people who make these games could be as fêted and culturally imposing as Ken Loach, Zadie Smith or Simon Rattle.

5. Used to be authors could sell their “letters” and maybe retire (or at-least cash in for those final years). It was a rite of passage for the big dogs. Like a reverse-benefactor.  UT is the bumbledom/fangs (they believe) of all this. But. With email, IM, vid chat, what record will exist? What letters? What drafts? DELETE. Lost pinky drive. DELETE. Maybe it’s all for the better? DELETE.

6. Here is your Meat Joy because we all like that sort of thing. Meat and Joy.


Web Hype / 26 Comments
February 22nd, 2010 / 6:59 pm

It is Friday: Go Right Ahead

I’d feel better if you drank your drink.

I like to laugh smoke out.

You’re drunk, and I’m drunk, and I’m just exactly drunk enough to tell you anything you want to know.

Stupidly calm.

Now I am dangerous.

Drunk, yes, but so what?

I want to try cocaine, though because that’s suppose to sharpen the brain, isn’t it?

Stop waving your hat in my face.

Feed the lettuce to the bunny and eat the bunny.


Author Spotlight & Random / 12 Comments
February 19th, 2010 / 5:34 pm

Celestial Navigations

Tens of millions of people have seen these films. No one knows who made them.”


Film & Random / 30 Comments
February 19th, 2010 / 1:39 pm

5 blars (or brain cattails, put in your head-vase)

1.) The University of Indiana’s main library sinks one inch per year. Why? The engineers forgot to calculate the weight of? [Go ahead, lovers, guess]

2.) Badass Pub Crawl in LA. What do you say to Aimee Bender while drunk? “Yo! Can I stumble into, vomit on every reviewer so lazy as to compare you to Ray Carver, Aimee? ? Can I be like your anklet monitor, Aimee? Just near you? I like the way you spell your name.” Crash.

3.) “true originality doesn’t exist anyway, only authenticity” Bullshit meter?

4.) An interview with Carole Maso (Brian Evenson on the inquiry machine). This is old, OK. “HTML is a blog, what is this old shit, yo?” Blah blah. Go lift weights in the shower, so you can sweat yourself and clean yourself simultaneously. Now you’re in the future. So chill-axe.

5.) This Heide Hatry shit is bloody and controversial so just be careful and don’t swoon on me. (We all know pigs are smarter than dogs [don’t get me started on cats] but pigs taste great, right?] Etc. Etc. Yawn. Slurp. Etc.


Craft Notes & Web Hype / 32 Comments
February 18th, 2010 / 7:11 pm