Matthew Simmons

Matthew Simmons lives in Seattle.

Soupy Sales, the first great anarchist of children’s television, has passed away. In tribute, go home, fill a pie tin with whipped cream, and hit some motherfucker in the face with that shit.

Craft Notes & Reviews

A fine piece of misdirection


I’m only passingly familiar with the work of Steven Jesse Bernstein. I heard “The Man Upstairs” on this week’s (October 16) episode of Over the Edge from Don Joyce of the band Negativland, and searched to find the piece isolated from the bed of ambient noise and audio collage—the stop, start, rewind, replay nature of Over the Edge.

Here’s a transcription of the piece. It was found on this website: READ MORE >

October 21st, 2009 / 6:53 pm

Friday Ponderable


If I get a sense of the uncanny valley when I watch Lancelot Link, Secret Chimp, is this at least anecdotal evidence for evolution?

Random / 4 Comments
October 16th, 2009 / 12:56 pm

Conor Oberst Sex by Kendra Grant Malone and Tao Lin


Happy Cobra Books just published—moments ago, in fact—a brand new ebook by Kendra Grant Malone and Tao Lin. It’s a story called “Conor Oberst Sex.”

And it’s not just a story. I sent a copy of the story to my friend Michael Sanchez (a musician, comedian, and filmmaker from Chicago, Illinois) and asked him to write some music inspired by the story. He turned in an EP under his band name, The Way It Is. The EP is called Music Is My Boyfriend.

Both the ebook and the music are very good. Please check them out and praise the lovely Kendra Grant Malone, the lovely Tao Lin, and the lovely Michael Sanchez.

Web Hype / 72 Comments
October 12th, 2009 / 6:22 pm

Friday Fuck Books, Let’s Dance

It’s evening here on the West Coast. Almost time to go home.



Random / 4 Comments
October 9th, 2009 / 9:29 pm

How many of us are going to AWP in Denver in February April? What will we Giants—I count the commenters and readers here—do to take over?

Sam Lipsyte on WTF. (Updated a little.)


Marc Maron, a pretty damn funny comedian and former Air America broadcaster, has moved his ranty, neurotic brilliance to a podcast called WTF.

Most of the time, he spends the “interview” portion of the podcast talking to fellow comedians, but a recent episode featured a writer I assume is beloved by Giant readers: Sam Lipsyte.

A couple of highlights. Maron at one point says: “I’ve asked you, when you’ve started novels, what it’s about, you’re like ‘I don’t know, I’m working around these two sentences.'”

And discussing Lipsyte’s lack of a website, and FSG’s suggestions that Lipsyte get a little more online savvy to help sell a few books, Sam says: “They can’t order you to tweet. It’s not that kind of society yet.”

An in-depth, craft-based writing discussion? Nah. Who the hell wants that all the time. Instead its two friends talking and making each other laugh. Sam also reads from his upcoming novel, The Ask. It’s worth it for that alone. READ MORE >

Author Spotlight & Technology / 20 Comments
October 9th, 2009 / 3:36 pm

Misidentifying irony.

gunsGeorge Carlin has short essay about how common it is for people to misidentify coincidence as irony.

“Irony deals with opposites; it has nothing to do with coincidence. If two baseball players from the same hometown, on different teams, receive the same uniform number, it is not ironic. It is a coincidence. If Barry Bonds attains lifetime statistics identical to his father’s it will not be ironic. It will be a coincidence. Irony is “a state of affairs that is the reverse of what was to be expected; a result opposite to and in mockery of the appropriate result.”

Not irony. He goes on:

If a Kurd, after surviving bloody battle with Saddam Hussein’s army and a long, difficult escape through the mountains, is crushed and killed by a parachute drop of humanitarian aid, that, my friend, is irony writ large.


And then there are those who think something is ironic when it is neither ironic nor coincidental. The last line of this news story about a murder/suicide involving a woman best known for bringing a loaded gun to her little girl’s soccer game : ‘”It’s shocking,” Weisberg said of the shooting. “And sadly ironic.”‘

But this is not irony. This is not coincidence. This is a Chekhovian certainty.

“If you say in the first chapter that there is a rifle hanging on the wall, in the second or third chapter it absolutely must go off. If it’s not going to be fired, it shouldn’t be hanging there.”

Craft Notes & Mean / 32 Comments
October 9th, 2009 / 1:37 pm

I had a dream in which I posted something on HTML Giant. When I woke up, I couldn’t remember the post, only that I thought it was pretty good. What do you think I posted about?