Author News
And we have a winner…

If only Bush had been a little more horrible
And, no, it’s not Don D., or Roth. A German-Romanian Cruella De Vil lookalike took home the sort-of coveted literary prize, over some other writers who may possibly have deserved it more, despite not living and working under the thumb of a Romanian despot. But, hey, we can’t all be so lucky. Not to take anything away from Herta (sorry about the Cruella thing), but, uh, really? This is worse than that time in 1997 that Dario Fo won, an egregious event that I just read about last week and have been outraged by ever since. Politics? Art? Europeans intimidated by our raw American power and awesomeness? I feel like I need to write a strongly worded letter to someone, but the thing is is that baseball game is on in three hours, so I have to read some pregame analysis and be glad my national sport isn’t soccer, a game for cowards.
Boo, I say.
Tags: Herta Muller, Nobel Prize
this reminds me of the time the beastie boys didn’t win a MTV music award and had to play at the award show.
such a travesty.
this reminds me of the time the beastie boys didn’t win a MTV music award and had to play at the award show.
such a travesty.
this reminds me of the time the beastie boys didn’t win a MTV music award and had to play at the award show.
such a travesty.
So that makes it 12 out of the last 15 going to European writers. Of the three that weren’t, one was from Turkey and the other was from South Africa and wrote in English.
So that makes it 12 out of the last 15 going to European writers. Of the three that weren’t, one was from Turkey and the other was from South Africa and wrote in English.
So that makes it 12 out of the last 15 going to European writers. Of the three that weren’t, one was from Turkey and the other was from South Africa and wrote in English.
Just give the Nobel to the Beasties and be done with it.
“this reminds me of the time the beastie boys didn’t win a MTV music award and had to play at the award show.
such a travesty.”
“this reminds me of the time the beastie boys didn’t win a MTV music award and had to play at the award show.
such a travesty.”
“this reminds me of the time the beastie boys didn’t win a MTV music award and had to play at the award show.
such a travesty.”
so who won
so who won
so who won
Herta Muller
Herta Muller
Herta Muller
who dat
who dat
who dat
Added link my bust.
I can’t really say whether I think she deserved it or not because I’ve never read anything by her – what’s her stuff like?
Jose Saramago was relatively obscure until he won the nobel prize, so at least once, I think it’s cool they went with a surprise pick.
I can’t really say whether I think she deserved it or not because I’ve never read anything by her – what’s her stuff like?
Jose Saramago was relatively obscure until he won the nobel prize, so at least once, I think it’s cool they went with a surprise pick.
I can’t really say whether I think she deserved it or not because I’ve never read anything by her – what’s her stuff like?
Jose Saramago was relatively obscure until he won the nobel prize, so at least once, I think it’s cool they went with a surprise pick.
Plus, we got the Chemistry prize this year, so eat it rest-of-world.
Plus, we got the Chemistry prize this year, so eat it rest-of-world.
Plus, we got the Chemistry prize this year, so eat it rest-of-world.
Tell me about this “chemistry”
chemistry (n.): the science that teaches you how to make bombs and drugs.
chemistry (n.): the science that teaches you how to make bombs and drugs.
chemistry (n.): the science that teaches you how to make bombs and drugs.
What were the odds on Herta, and did anyone have the exacta?
What were the odds on Herta, and did anyone have the exacta?
What were the odds on Herta, and did anyone have the exacta?
no remorse 7 horse for the exacta win.
no remorse 7 horse for the exacta win.
no remorse 7 horse for the exacta win.
Are people from Europe not allowed to win literary awards any more?
I shall round us all up then, and get everyone to apologise for existing. (In our own foreign tongues, of course.)
Are people from Europe not allowed to win literary awards any more?
I shall round us all up then, and get everyone to apologise for existing. (In our own foreign tongues, of course.)
Are people from Europe not allowed to win literary awards any more?
I shall round us all up then, and get everyone to apologise for existing. (In our own foreign tongues, of course.)
This post is disappointing.
As someone who respects the Nobel, I am eager to discover the writings of this woman I’d never heard of until this morning.
Quit your bitching.
P.S. Whatever happened to Mean Monday?
This post is disappointing.
As someone who respects the Nobel, I am eager to discover the writings of this woman I’d never heard of until this morning.
Quit your bitching.
P.S. Whatever happened to Mean Monday?
This post is disappointing.
As someone who respects the Nobel, I am eager to discover the writings of this woman I’d never heard of until this morning.
Quit your bitching.
P.S. Whatever happened to Mean Monday?
i think mean monday died with the legend of jereme dean.
not sure though.
why is this post disappointing?
i don’t get why any one cares about the nobel for literature.
it’s a bunch of stuffed shirts sitting around casting votes. it means nothing.
community writer picked by the community. there should be disdain for the entire process not the winner.
let me back up. why do you respect the Nobel Molly? I am curious.
i think mean monday died with the legend of jereme dean.
not sure though.
why is this post disappointing?
i don’t get why any one cares about the nobel for literature.
it’s a bunch of stuffed shirts sitting around casting votes. it means nothing.
community writer picked by the community. there should be disdain for the entire process not the winner.
let me back up. why do you respect the Nobel Molly? I am curious.
i think mean monday died with the legend of jereme dean.
not sure though.
why is this post disappointing?
i don’t get why any one cares about the nobel for literature.
it’s a bunch of stuffed shirts sitting around casting votes. it means nothing.
community writer picked by the community. there should be disdain for the entire process not the winner.
let me back up. why do you respect the Nobel Molly? I am curious.
no they all suck. america is rad!
for the win alex.
lol. i never “got” patriotism or loyalty to one’s locale.
it is okay vaughan you guys are just as valuable as the rest of the assholes in america. don’t fret.
no they all suck. america is rad!
for the win alex.
lol. i never “got” patriotism or loyalty to one’s locale.
it is okay vaughan you guys are just as valuable as the rest of the assholes in america. don’t fret.
no they all suck. america is rad!
for the win alex.
lol. i never “got” patriotism or loyalty to one’s locale.
it is okay vaughan you guys are just as valuable as the rest of the assholes in america. don’t fret.
Missed an L there. Embarrassing.
Missed an L there. Embarrassing.
Missed an L there. Embarrassing.
the bsg contest had more integrity than this european literary circle jerk.
the bsg contest had more integrity than this european literary circle jerk.
Who is this Jereme Dean character, and when is he ever not on this site spewing out nonsense (and eating Xanax)? Go write something, JD, as in, something other than mean comments and tearing into Molly.
Who is this Jereme Dean character, and when is he ever not on this site spewing out nonsense (and eating Xanax)? Go write something, JD, as in, something other than mean comments and tearing into Molly.
Who is this Jereme Dean character, and when is he ever not on this site spewing out nonsense (and eating Xanax)? Go write something, JD, as in, something other than mean comments and tearing into Molly.
a. you’re a bitch for hiding behind a fake name.
b. i wasn’t tearing into molly? i went off on a tangent about how stupid the nobel prize is and then i stopped and asked molly nicely why she liked it?
how did i attack molly?
maybe the issue isn’t me being “mean” because most the time i’m not. maybe the issue is some people are very sensitive and look for any excuse to not adapt to another person’s style of communication.
i don’t eat xanax which is why i have a bottle to give away. stop jumping to conclusions.
mongloid (this is me being mean)
a. you’re a bitch for hiding behind a fake name.
b. i wasn’t tearing into molly? i went off on a tangent about how stupid the nobel prize is and then i stopped and asked molly nicely why she liked it?
how did i attack molly?
maybe the issue isn’t me being “mean” because most the time i’m not. maybe the issue is some people are very sensitive and look for any excuse to not adapt to another person’s style of communication.
i don’t eat xanax which is why i have a bottle to give away. stop jumping to conclusions.
mongloid (this is me being mean)
a. you’re a bitch for hiding behind a fake name.
b. i wasn’t tearing into molly? i went off on a tangent about how stupid the nobel prize is and then i stopped and asked molly nicely why she liked it?
how did i attack molly?
maybe the issue isn’t me being “mean” because most the time i’m not. maybe the issue is some people are very sensitive and look for any excuse to not adapt to another person’s style of communication.
i don’t eat xanax which is why i have a bottle to give away. stop jumping to conclusions.
mongloid (this is me being mean)
i never understood patriotism either.
i never understood patriotism either.
i never understood patriotism either.
If you have a bottle of Xanax to give away, can I have it?
If you have a bottle of Xanax to give away, can I have it?
If you have a bottle of Xanax to give away, can I have it?
You can win awards, just not 90% of a supposedly global award like the Nobel
You can win awards, just not 90% of a supposedly global award like the Nobel
You can win awards, just not 90% of a supposedly global award like the Nobel
ha, mongloid’s such a great word.
ha, mongloid’s such a great word.
ha, mongloid’s such a great word.
Well, I’d say, let’s check out, why she’s got the Prize.
I cannot say, whether she deserved it more or not, because – and here we go – neither I, nor my friends or colleagues ever read and heard about her. Even if we are living in Germany. Even if my friends and colleagues are representant of educational institutions, literary scientists etc. That’s weird, without question. But I don’t want to say more before I read her texts. Perhaps we’ve just discovered a great literarian. Or perhaps it was policy.
Anyway, German book stores were yesterday and today completely out of here books – people literally assaulted the stores and bought out everything by Herta Müller the stores had.
Aw… those consumers…
Well, I’d say, let’s check out, why she’s got the Prize.
I cannot say, whether she deserved it more or not, because – and here we go – neither I, nor my friends or colleagues ever read and heard about her. Even if we are living in Germany. Even if my friends and colleagues are representant of educational institutions, literary scientists etc. That’s weird, without question. But I don’t want to say more before I read her texts. Perhaps we’ve just discovered a great literarian. Or perhaps it was policy.
Anyway, German book stores were yesterday and today completely out of here books – people literally assaulted the stores and bought out everything by Herta Müller the stores had.
Aw… those consumers…
Well, I’d say, let’s check out, why she’s got the Prize.
I cannot say, whether she deserved it more or not, because – and here we go – neither I, nor my friends or colleagues ever read and heard about her. Even if we are living in Germany. Even if my friends and colleagues are representant of educational institutions, literary scientists etc. That’s weird, without question. But I don’t want to say more before I read her texts. Perhaps we’ve just discovered a great literarian. Or perhaps it was policy.
Anyway, German book stores were yesterday and today completely out of here books – people literally assaulted the stores and bought out everything by Herta Müller the stores had.
Aw… those consumers…
It wasn’t so much a case of European patriotism (though unlike many British people I’m a greater supporter of European integration than I am of the ‘Little Englander’ mentality that’s increasingly and distastefully popular), but more the way that Europe – in all areas, from the arts to politics – is often regarded by the US.
And also: I have to say, the Cruella de Vil jibe was incredibly low and uncalled for. Since when has it been important how a writer *looks*, for heaven’s sake?
It wasn’t so much a case of European patriotism (though unlike many British people I’m a greater supporter of European integration than I am of the ‘Little Englander’ mentality that’s increasingly and distastefully popular), but more the way that Europe – in all areas, from the arts to politics – is often regarded by the US.
And also: I have to say, the Cruella de Vil jibe was incredibly low and uncalled for. Since when has it been important how a writer *looks*, for heaven’s sake?
It wasn’t so much a case of European patriotism (though unlike many British people I’m a greater supporter of European integration than I am of the ‘Little Englander’ mentality that’s increasingly and distastefully popular), but more the way that Europe – in all areas, from the arts to politics – is often regarded by the US.
And also: I have to say, the Cruella de Vil jibe was incredibly low and uncalled for. Since when has it been important how a writer *looks*, for heaven’s sake?
Also, yeah, can I put in my bid for Jereme’s Xanax, please? A hundred of my finest English pounds, good sir. (And yes, I am being ironic)
Also, yeah, can I put in my bid for Jereme’s Xanax, please? A hundred of my finest English pounds, good sir. (And yes, I am being ironic)
Also, yeah, can I put in my bid for Jereme’s Xanax, please? A hundred of my finest English pounds, good sir. (And yes, I am being ironic)
sure dave. if you really want it.
sure dave. if you really want it.
sure dave. if you really want it.
so hmmm obama wins the peace prize…
so is some one going to defend the nobel for literature and change my viewpoint about the whole process or can i stop wandering if i am right or not.
i think i am right about the whole process.
it sucks. it is lame.
fuck winning prizes.
so hmmm obama wins the peace prize…
so is some one going to defend the nobel for literature and change my viewpoint about the whole process or can i stop wandering if i am right or not.
i think i am right about the whole process.
it sucks. it is lame.
fuck winning prizes.
so hmmm obama wins the peace prize…
so is some one going to defend the nobel for literature and change my viewpoint about the whole process or can i stop wandering if i am right or not.
i think i am right about the whole process.
it sucks. it is lame.
fuck winning prizes.
Where did my fucking comment go? It was there, because I realized I’d made a typo, which I commented on. Now it’s gone.
I don’t think Jereme was being mean at all. It is possible I am the one who was being mean. I will now continue being mean.
Where did my fucking comment go?
Where did my fucking comment go? It was there, because I realized I’d made a typo, which I commented on. Now it’s gone.
I don’t think Jereme was being mean at all. It is possible I am the one who was being mean. I will now continue being mean.
Where did my fucking comment go?
Where did my fucking comment go? It was there, because I realized I’d made a typo, which I commented on. Now it’s gone.
I don’t think Jereme was being mean at all. It is possible I am the one who was being mean. I will now continue being mean.
Where did my fucking comment go?
sorry moga, sometimes comments be getting eating, and we dont know why
here is MoGa’s original comment:
This post is disappointing.
As someone who respects the Nobel, I am eager to discover the writings of this woman I’d never heard of until this morning.
Quit your bitching.
P.S. Whatever happened to Mean Monday?
sorry moga, sometimes comments be getting eating, and we dont know why
here is MoGa’s original comment:
This post is disappointing.
As someone who respects the Nobel, I am eager to discover the writings of this woman I’d never heard of until this morning.
Quit your bitching.
P.S. Whatever happened to Mean Monday?
we will be having a second mean week soon, november.
we will be having a second mean week soon, november.
we will be having a second mean week soon, november.
Sorry Jereme, I misread your comment. I had some choad in my eye.
Sorry Jereme, I misread your comment. I had some choad in my eye.
Sorry Jereme, I misread your comment. I had some choad in my eye.
Thanks Ryan, but this wasn’t the comment. The one that disappeared includes a list of select past recipients of the prize–writers I’ve read and learned from, writers who’ve shaped my notions of what literature can do: Kipling (I ran around and pretended I was Mowgli when I was a kid), Yeats, Shaw, Hesse, Eliot, Faulkner, Russell, Hemingway, Jimenez, Camus, Steinbeck, Sartre, Beckett, Solzhenitsyn, Neruda, Milosz, Garcia Marquez, Gordimer, Morrison, Oe, Heaney, Szymborska, Saramago, Grass, Naipaul, Kertesz, Jelinek. I’m no expert on any of these writers, but at one time or another something of theirs touched me. It’s likely that but for the Americans I might never have encountered the others, if not for the Nobel and the attention it brings.
I also support the Nobel because of the very existence of a literature category among the others, which are Physics, Chemistry, Medicine, Peace, and Economics. I mean, these are global concerns, “real” concerns, subjects that determine the fate of humanity (am I saying this poorly?). The inclusion of literature as something that matters on the world’s stage–unlike the Pulitzer (hooray America), or the Booker (hooray CNIZ)–has always reached down and touched some sort of sentimentality chord in me. I mean, as sincerely as I can say this, without a hint of hyperbole, the Nobel is annually awarded, ideally, to the most important writer in the world. I’ve always loved that. I’m in love with the romance of it.
Additionally, I respect the fact that Ahnlund gave up his Academy seat (a lifelong seat) in protest of Jelinek. This prize means something to those who give it, and they take strong stands for who they believe is or isn’t a worthy inclusion. That it’s the entire body of work that comes into play, rather than just a single book, means, too, that they care about artistic growth and maturity–which I believe is a great standard by which an artist should be held accountable.
Enough then. My two cents.
Thanks Ryan, but this wasn’t the comment. The one that disappeared includes a list of select past recipients of the prize–writers I’ve read and learned from, writers who’ve shaped my notions of what literature can do: Kipling (I ran around and pretended I was Mowgli when I was a kid), Yeats, Shaw, Hesse, Eliot, Faulkner, Russell, Hemingway, Jimenez, Camus, Steinbeck, Sartre, Beckett, Solzhenitsyn, Neruda, Milosz, Garcia Marquez, Gordimer, Morrison, Oe, Heaney, Szymborska, Saramago, Grass, Naipaul, Kertesz, Jelinek. I’m no expert on any of these writers, but at one time or another something of theirs touched me. It’s likely that but for the Americans I might never have encountered the others, if not for the Nobel and the attention it brings.
I also support the Nobel because of the very existence of a literature category among the others, which are Physics, Chemistry, Medicine, Peace, and Economics. I mean, these are global concerns, “real” concerns, subjects that determine the fate of humanity (am I saying this poorly?). The inclusion of literature as something that matters on the world’s stage–unlike the Pulitzer (hooray America), or the Booker (hooray CNIZ)–has always reached down and touched some sort of sentimentality chord in me. I mean, as sincerely as I can say this, without a hint of hyperbole, the Nobel is annually awarded, ideally, to the most important writer in the world. I’ve always loved that. I’m in love with the romance of it.
Additionally, I respect the fact that Ahnlund gave up his Academy seat (a lifelong seat) in protest of Jelinek. This prize means something to those who give it, and they take strong stands for who they believe is or isn’t a worthy inclusion. That it’s the entire body of work that comes into play, rather than just a single book, means, too, that they care about artistic growth and maturity–which I believe is a great standard by which an artist should be held accountable.
Enough then. My two cents.
Thanks Ryan, but this wasn’t the comment. The one that disappeared includes a list of select past recipients of the prize–writers I’ve read and learned from, writers who’ve shaped my notions of what literature can do: Kipling (I ran around and pretended I was Mowgli when I was a kid), Yeats, Shaw, Hesse, Eliot, Faulkner, Russell, Hemingway, Jimenez, Camus, Steinbeck, Sartre, Beckett, Solzhenitsyn, Neruda, Milosz, Garcia Marquez, Gordimer, Morrison, Oe, Heaney, Szymborska, Saramago, Grass, Naipaul, Kertesz, Jelinek. I’m no expert on any of these writers, but at one time or another something of theirs touched me. It’s likely that but for the Americans I might never have encountered the others, if not for the Nobel and the attention it brings.
I also support the Nobel because of the very existence of a literature category among the others, which are Physics, Chemistry, Medicine, Peace, and Economics. I mean, these are global concerns, “real” concerns, subjects that determine the fate of humanity (am I saying this poorly?). The inclusion of literature as something that matters on the world’s stage–unlike the Pulitzer (hooray America), or the Booker (hooray CNIZ)–has always reached down and touched some sort of sentimentality chord in me. I mean, as sincerely as I can say this, without a hint of hyperbole, the Nobel is annually awarded, ideally, to the most important writer in the world. I’ve always loved that. I’m in love with the romance of it.
Additionally, I respect the fact that Ahnlund gave up his Academy seat (a lifelong seat) in protest of Jelinek. This prize means something to those who give it, and they take strong stands for who they believe is or isn’t a worthy inclusion. That it’s the entire body of work that comes into play, rather than just a single book, means, too, that they care about artistic growth and maturity–which I believe is a great standard by which an artist should be held accountable.
Enough then. My two cents.