August 9th, 2010 / 9:08 am
Author News & Author Spotlight

4 all-night chemists

4. Big-ass Paris Review Jonathan Lethem interview.

I was one of those creepy dropouts who moves into his girlfriend’s dorm room. She stole meals from the dining hall in a Tupperware container hidden in a hollowed-out textbook, and I sat in her room and wrote an unpublishably bad first novel.

14. Angelina Jolie’s favorite book is Vlad the Impaler: In Search of the Real Dracula. If you were wondering.


2. The Australian on Light Boxes by Shane Jones.

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  1. mimi
  2. Steven Augustine

      Warhol faked his own death and has been running the whole “Banksy” project since Basquiat conceived it as a joke, one night, with Haring

  3. mimi

      and where does mr. brainwash fit into all this?

  4. Steven Augustine


  5. mimi
  6. Steven Augustine

      Warhol faked his own death and has been running the whole “Banksy” project since Basquiat conceived it as a joke, one night, with Haring

  7. mimi

      and where does mr. brainwash fit into all this?

  8. Steven Augustine
