March 4th, 2010 / 2:59 pm
Author Spotlight

Barry Hannah & Larry Brown Audio Reup

Again for those who missed it, or would like to hear again, an audio conversation between Barry Hannah and Larry Brown, available for download thanks to the quite kind Michael Bible. The outpouring of remembrances and love for this man in the past few days has been really powerful and great, I am thankful.

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  1. Neil

      What’s a good entry for Barry Hannah? All his books seem so interesting that I’m not sure where to begin.

  2. Neil

      What’s a good entry for Barry Hannah? All his books seem so interesting that I’m not sure where to begin.

  3. Ken Baumann

      I started with Ray.

  4. Ken Baumann

      I started with Ray.

  5. davidpeak

      me too. that’s the one i give to people as well.

  6. davidpeak

      me too. that’s the one i give to people as well.

  7. Neil


  8. Neil


  9. David McLendon

      Airships is such an amazing collection, but I feel the legend of it overshadows Hannah’s later work. Both Bats out of Hell and High Lonesome are singular ventures of language in flight. I truly believe that time will honor Bats out of Hell as Hannah’s finest and most important collection. Also, seek out Captain Maximus. It’s the bastard collection. Hannah himself says he wasn’t hitting the page as he should when he wrote it, but this is a beautifully troubled book. I carried it around in my pockets for years, and return to it often, more often than home.

  10. David McLendon

      Airships is such an amazing collection, but I feel the legend of it overshadows Hannah’s later work. Both Bats out of Hell and High Lonesome are singular ventures of language in flight. I truly believe that time will honor Bats out of Hell as Hannah’s finest and most important collection. Also, seek out Captain Maximus. It’s the bastard collection. Hannah himself says he wasn’t hitting the page as he should when he wrote it, but this is a beautifully troubled book. I carried it around in my pockets for years, and return to it often, more often than home.

  11. Lit Picks: Barry Hannah & Larry Brown « ROGER HOOVER

      […] Here’s an interview with Barry Hannah, Larry Brown and Brad Watson that’s well worth a listen. Click here. […]