April 13th, 2010 / 3:55 pm
Author Spotlight

Barry Hannah TV interview 1984

Fuck, this makes my heart swell.

From Mississippi Public TV in 3 parts [via David McLendon’s facebook feed]

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  1. reynard

      ‘i didn’t know there was a lot of kafka in me till i read kafka.’ so much awesome

  2. reynard

      ‘i didn’t know there was a lot of kafka in me till i read kafka.’ so much awesome

  3. scott mcclanahan


  4. scott mcclanahan


  5. KevinS

      Freakin’ great find. Thanks Blake/David. Motorcycle footage!

  6. KevinS

      Freakin’ great find. Thanks Blake/David. Motorcycle footage!

  7. Peter Markus


  8. Peter Markus


  9. Drew

      Wow. I think I recognize the neighborhoods he’s riding through. Pre-boom Oxford is so different looking even in those few seconds.

      Have to set aside the time to watch this…

      Huge thanks.

  10. Drew

      Wow. I think I recognize the neighborhoods he’s riding through. Pre-boom Oxford is so different looking even in those few seconds.

      Have to set aside the time to watch this…

      Huge thanks.

  11. Hosh

      From Part 3: “You will also be a little bit unsatisfied all of your life…” Wow.

  12. Hosh

      From Part 3: “You will also be a little bit unsatisfied all of your life…” Wow.