Author Spotlight
Benjamin Percy is a Writer I’d Like to Fuck

Bejamin Percy is Fucking Hot
Benjamin Percy begs the question, do I have to like a writer’s writing to want to fuck him? Alas, I think the answer would be yes, but I would make an exception for Percy if I were to not like his writing. He’s that hot. Now, as it is, I really REALLY like his writing! So, the question is really moot. But, my point is, how smoking HOT is he? (I’ll get to his fiction in a minute). Here’s a bit from an interview in Bookslut that exemplifies one of the reasons I’d like to fuck him:
Some writers go for walks when they’re trying to work something out in their head. I go to the gym. Sometimes you need to get away from the keyboard and feel the blood flowing through your stiff limbs before the next idea comes hurtling toward you. So I pick up large pieces of metal and put them back down again.
The man has PIPES! As does his prose. Percy is an unabashedly masculine writer. A rich manliness oozes from not only his subject matter- war, guns, all sorts of men stuff–but also his prose style. I wouldn’t call him a “plain” writer; indeed, he can be very stylized, with an acute attention to the music of language. But his fiction feels honest and hard, like a dick in my hand should feel.
Wait, this isn't Ben! It's Josh! Ben makes me think of Josh.
Check out this story here in pindeldyboz and this one here in Storyglossia. He has published in super fancy places like The Paris Review and Esquire, but I think it’s really cool that he’s found on sites like Storyglossia. Here is the first bit from the Storyglossia story, “The Hand”:
I found it last week. At first I mistook it for a glove. But it was a hand—a prosthetic hand—just lying there on the sidewalk. When I bent over to get a better look at it, I heard a woman say, “Watch out. That man is going to be sick.”
“No,” I said, my voice coming out angrier than I intended. “I’m not going to be sick.”
The woman—a big woman in a purple coat—eyed me suspiciously, ruefully. She looked a little like Robert DeNiro. By that I mean she had a tough sad face no man would ever want to kiss. As she moved away from me she clutched her purse tighter to her chest.
This is my effect on people, on women in particular.
- Photo Number Two, Because He’s that Hot
Now, there is much talk about his wife in the Bookslut interview. Like Tony O’Neill, another writer I”d like to fuck, I get the feeling he is uxorious and while that proves problematic in regard to my quest to fuck him, it is also a real turn-on. I love guys who love their wives. I find it really, really attractive. Lately, he’s gotten quite huge in the literary world- he’s teaching at Iowa, winning buttloads of awards and someone is making a movie from one of his stories. But, man, he so deserves it. That said, the thought of him in Steven Point, Wisconsin (where he used to teach), was really a sexy thought for me. I like to picture Ben in his garage in rural Wisconsin, underneath his car with some big ole tools in his hands, getting all greasy and dirty and getting his hands all calloused (there’s a mechanic in Binghamton, New York I’d like to fuck, too.) Anyway, Ben, next time I’m lowering myself onto my husband, I’m going to wear my eye mask thing I wear (because my husband still hasn’t hung blinds in our bedroom because he sucks with tools, unlike you), and pretend it’s your work worn hands gripping my hips. That’s right Ben, you.
Tags: benjamin percy, Graywolf Press
the language of elk was good
the language of elk was good
he has a story silmilar to the hand in hobart 8 called the coat. its killer.
he has a story silmilar to the hand in hobart 8 called the coat. its killer.
I can’t seem to make this look better. Lets hope blake or gene shows up and fixes it for me. I’ve given up for now trying to fix it.
I have such respect for his work.
That would be a moot point and not mute, I’m thinking.
That would be a moot point and not mute, I’m thinking.
thanks william- i’m retarded. i fixed it.
This post made me feel inferior, as a man.
This post made me feel inferior, as a man.
This made me weep a little, as a husband.
I’m with you, pr’s husband. Why must women treat us like objects?
This made me weep a little, as a husband.
I’m with you, pr’s husband. Why must women treat us like objects?
The Hand is a great story.
The Hand is a great story.
i read ‘the hand job’
it ws good.
pr’s husband must not have read other posts.
i read ‘the hand job’
it ws good.
pr’s husband must not have read other posts.
Refresh, Refresh. Yep. I discussed that story during my MFA lecture on white space.
Hobart’s 2008 calendar has a photo of him with a shotgun.
Have you heard his voice, pr? There’s an interview with him after an episode of PRI’s Selected Shorts that features Refresh, Refresh. His voice is a deep, intimidating baritone. Like, shockingly low and older sounding than you’d expect looking at him.
Refresh, Refresh. Yep. I discussed that story during my MFA lecture on white space.
Hobart’s 2008 calendar has a photo of him with a shotgun.
Have you heard his voice, pr? There’s an interview with him after an episode of PRI’s Selected Shorts that features Refresh, Refresh. His voice is a deep, intimidating baritone. Like, shockingly low and older sounding than you’d expect looking at him.
Holy shit? was that really my husband- it sounded like him.
Matthew- I am SOOO looking for that online. Thanks.
Matthew! That was fantastic. I can’t believe he went to Brown. I wonder if he hated it. He’s such a fucking MAN. Here’s a quote from the NPR thing-
“Owen Wister, like some great and terrible Moses draped in leather and carrying a buffalo gun, taught me to re-examine what it meant to be a man. It meant more than earning a diploma or getting married or buying a house. It meant living simply, respecting women, holding congress with nature. It meant making decisions informed by a moral code so that you were never the one to start trouble, but oh, could you finish it.”
i have not read this guy. everybody is gushing, maybe i ought to check him out…
have you read anything by Pete Fromm? for some reason that quote from npr reminded me of him, though i doubt his writing is similar to percy’s.
i have not read this guy. everybody is gushing, maybe i ought to check him out…
have you read anything by Pete Fromm? for some reason that quote from npr reminded me of him, though i doubt his writing is similar to percy’s.
I chop wood in the backyard when I’m about to kill something after getting five rejections a day
maybe I’m a little behind in my fervor for sending stuff out, b’cause look at the damn wood Percy chops. Jesus, he falls goddamn trees. I think he’d be fucking me if’n there was any of that goin’ on. Then again, I’m more into chopping wood and bein” good to the woman. PR- awesome choice in an author who verbs the heck out of nouns. “the Caves in oregon” was a great piece, and though i can’t get anywhere near glimmertrain I know it’s because I’m not heftin’ the trees quite like Percy—
I chop wood in the backyard when I’m about to kill something after getting five rejections a day
maybe I’m a little behind in my fervor for sending stuff out, b’cause look at the damn wood Percy chops. Jesus, he falls goddamn trees. I think he’d be fucking me if’n there was any of that goin’ on. Then again, I’m more into chopping wood and bein” good to the woman. PR- awesome choice in an author who verbs the heck out of nouns. “the Caves in oregon” was a great piece, and though i can’t get anywhere near glimmertrain I know it’s because I’m not heftin’ the trees quite like Percy—
i bet he cries a lot and often feels inadequate as a lover
i bet he cries a lot and often feels inadequate as a lover
FYI- that was NOT my actual husband. (Phew, he has no business here…). Whoever is sayin he is my husband is funny.
Happy New Year Everyone!!!!!!
Ben’s also the kind of guy that if you have a chance to hang out with him, he’s going to want to go get a burger and a beer. And yes, both of his collections are well worth your time.
Ben’s also the kind of guy that if you have a chance to hang out with him, he’s going to want to go get a burger and a beer. And yes, both of his collections are well worth your time.