December 14th, 2008 / 5:57 pm
Author Spotlight

Eugene Lim’s Reading Diary

For those who often feel they’re having trouble figuring out what to read next, if you have any proclivity for experimentally-based fiction and so forth, the reading diary of Eugene Lim, editor of Ellipsis Press, is a really great database of some obscure to semi-obscure works that all seem worthy of greater attention.

Lim’s reviews are short and smart and to the point, and don’t spend more than enough time talking than to get you excited on the concept and execution of the book. Whereas other review sites can be burdensome or have too much to say, these are snippets, wise-minded ones, and there is quite a trove already online.

Recently posts by Lim include: The Changeling by Joy Williams, The Easy Chain by Evan Dara, Main Brides by Gail Scott, Liquidation by Irme Kirtesz, Marsupial by Derek White, and months and months more. A quick fix for your ‘what next’ troubles, for sure, and some great musings for books you might have already read.

And if you haven’t yet already, Lim’s own Fog and Car should be right at the top of your list. Here’s my prior post on that novel. Do a buy.

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  1. darby

      oh. nice. I didn’t know he was doing reviews like this. I will check out definitively. Also I want to read Marsupial, I keep forgeting to tell myself.

  2. darby

      oh. nice. I didn’t know he was doing reviews like this. I will check out definitively. Also I want to read Marsupial, I keep forgeting to tell myself.

  3. Blake Butler

      Marsupial really is badass and new. I say that completely outside Derek being a brother. it’s an important book.

  4. Blake Butler

      Marsupial really is badass and new. I say that completely outside Derek being a brother. it’s an important book.

  5. pr

      The Joy William’s bit was great. I love her work. I studied with her once and it was sort of like studying with someone you worship and so it was wierd but amazing. I have read so much of her short fiction but I have not read the changeling – maybe i’ll pick it up! This was great.