August 11th, 2009 / 2:25 pm
Author Spotlight

I Remember


Joe Brainard‘s I Remember is seriously keeping me from punching my own head in today. Refreshing in a way I’ve needed for a while. Calm, quiet, funny, right. People have been ripping this guy off for years.

I remember my first erections. I thought I had some terrible disease or something.

I remember the only time I ever saw my mother cry. I was eating apricot pie.

I remember when my father would say “Keep your hands out from under the covers” as he said goodnight. But he said it in a nice way.

I remember when I thought that if you did anything bad, policemen would put you in jail.

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  1. Peter Markus

      I love Brainard’s book and return to it again and again.

  2. Peter Markus

      I love Brainard’s book and return to it again and again.

  3. Christopher Higgs
  4. Christopher Higgs
  5. reynard seifert

      his nancy drawings are so great. need to read this.

  6. reynard seifert

      his nancy drawings are so great. need to read this.

  7. Thomas Moore

      I feel kinda dumb for not being able to say anything else apart from wow, that reads so beautifully. God – I remember one of my first erections: I must have been fairly young – I walked into the bathroom to show my mother and said something like “how come my willy has gone big?”

      I just said that in public. Ouch. Ah well. A tribute to Joe Brainard I guess …

  8. Thomas Moore

      I feel kinda dumb for not being able to say anything else apart from wow, that reads so beautifully. God – I remember one of my first erections: I must have been fairly young – I walked into the bathroom to show my mother and said something like “how come my willy has gone big?”

      I just said that in public. Ouch. Ah well. A tribute to Joe Brainard I guess …

  9. Matthew Simmons

      Listened to this and the band Belong together just now.

      I miss having a radio show.

  10. Matthew Simmons

      Listened to this and the band Belong together just now.

      I miss having a radio show.

  11. KevinS

      Memory experiments. All so good.

  12. KevinS

      Memory experiments. All so good.

  13. alan

      Thanks for the link, that was great.

      Nice selection of lines here, but no excerpt can convey the greatness of this book.

  14. alan

      Thanks for the link, that was great.

      Nice selection of lines here, but no excerpt can convey the greatness of this book.

  15. Jonny Ross


  16. Jonny Ross


  17. Cuauhtémoc Cortés Corrado

      Great, great book. But it would have been nicer to post a pic of him when he was really young & really cute. Not that Joe would care but I like to remember him that way.

  18. Cuauhtémoc Cortés Corrado

      Great, great book. But it would have been nicer to post a pic of him when he was really young & really cute. Not that Joe would care but I like to remember him that way.

  19. HTMLGIANT / Late Night Synthesizer

      […] Five days later, Blake wrote a little piece about Joe Brainard’s book I Remember. […]