May 22nd, 2009 / 2:52 am
Author Spotlight

Infinite Summer

Sentimental.  Happy to be.

Sentimental. Happy to be.

You’ve been meaning to do it for over a decade. Now join endurance bibliophiles from around the web as we tackle and comment upon David Foster Wallace’s masterwork, June 21st to September 22nd. A thousand pages1 ÷ 93 days = 75 pages a week. No sweat. 

Ladies and gentlemen, let us make the summer of 2009 David’s.

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  1. Bradley Sands

      I read it during the summer of 2001. Didn’t really read anything else.

  2. Bradley Sands

      I read it during the summer of 2001. Didn’t really read anything else.

  3. davidpeak

      Unbelievable. Just got a copy two days ago. It’s been my summer goal for months. I’m in.

  4. davidpeak

      Unbelievable. Just got a copy two days ago. It’s been my summer goal for months. I’m in.

  5. Kevin O'Neill

      I am also in. 10 and a bit pages a day? I might even be able to read other stuff, like htmlgiant!

  6. Kevin O'Neill

      I am also in. 10 and a bit pages a day? I might even be able to read other stuff, like htmlgiant!

  7. Blake Butler

      still the most rewarding reading experience of my life. do this.

  8. Blake Butler

      still the most rewarding reading experience of my life. do this.

  9. davidpeak

      i’m 1/3 of the way through gass’s The Tunnel. now i’ve got incentive to finish it in the next month. this is the summer of long.

  10. davidpeak

      i’m 1/3 of the way through gass’s The Tunnel. now i’ve got incentive to finish it in the next month. this is the summer of long.

  11. Jonny Ross

      got it last Christmas. i’m in, bitches.

  12. Jonny Ross

      got it last Christmas. i’m in, bitches.