June 4th, 2010 / 4:32 pm
Author Spotlight

It is Fry-day: Go Right Ahead

Teenagers, drunk, disheveled, excited…they ruined our party.

What is the feeling when you’re driving away from people, and they recede on the plain till you see their specks dispersing?

Like you haven’t slept in the kitchen.

And now listen now old buck old wild sunombitch don’t you get drunk today.

I’ll walk across the damn prairie by myself.

Always staying late, freeloading, shouting, foolish.

There will be no music, just dancing.

I am hightingled on the beer.

All our best men are laughed at in this nightmare land.

Disorderly, lost.

Dude, don’t go halfway.

That’s being blackened, from the inside.

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  1. Ryan Call


  2. Sean

      Uh, that would be a laugh-out-loud video. Damn.

  3. Ryan Call

      woman walked away with minor injuries. car caught on fire on the other side of the tolls.

  4. Ryan Call


  5. Sean

      Uh, that would be a laugh-out-loud video. Damn.

  6. Ryan Call

      woman walked away with minor injuries. car caught on fire on the other side of the tolls.