June 30th, 2010 / 8:58 pm
Author Spotlight

Live Giants 6: Zachary Schomburg

You missed Zach’s live reading but you can still buy his books.

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  1. jereme

      hey the facebook msg sent out has the wrong URL. you fat fingered htmlgiant.com

  2. Phil Carman

      Hi Zach! I think all literature, poetry too, is in some sense autobiographical. In what sense are your poems autobiographical, that is rooted in personal experience?

  3. Lincoln

      This series is great

  4. Trey

      i am missing this. sucks. bet it’s awesome. someday I will see you read, zachary. i am certain of it.

  5. Phil Carman

      It seems that there is more nature imagery in Scary, No Scary, than in The Man Suit? It seems almost thematic. If that is so, does it represent a shift in awareness of some kind or the other?

  6. Paul

      one word: puppet

  7. jereme

      hey the facebook msg sent out has the wrong URL. you fat fingered htmlgiant.com

  8. Phil Carman

      Hi Zach! I think all literature, poetry too, is in some sense autobiographical. In what sense are your poems autobiographical, that is rooted in personal experience?

  9. Lincoln

      This series is great

  10. Trey

      i am missing this. sucks. bet it’s awesome. someday I will see you read, zachary. i am certain of it.

  11. Phil Carman

      It seems that there is more nature imagery in Scary, No Scary, than in The Man Suit? It seems almost thematic. If that is so, does it represent a shift in awareness of some kind or the other?

  12. Paul Cunningham

      one word: puppet

  13. KevinS

      Aren’t these damned things archived somewhere? I am pissed!

  14. KevinS

      Aren’t these damned things archived somewhere? I am pissed!