September 8th, 2011 / 11:37 am
Author Spotlight

Mark Leidner on Collaging

on the occasion of the release of Mark’s second book, Beauty Was The Case That They Gave Me, which is absolutely the shit (for a taste, two of the poems appear here), and available now from Factory Hollow, and for which the cover appears as such:

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  1. John Sakkis


      I just received this at SPD yesterday morning. It really is a fantastic cover, at a glance the poems as well. And definitely the best title I’ve heard in a while. Congrats Mark. 

  2. mimi

      “churned butter this morning”

  3. Adam Robinson

      He hired a documentary film crew because 30 years from now he doesn’t want to wake up and wonder what he did with all that time.

      Nice. Funny like Leidner’s air conditioner that calls a grandma a true bitch. 

  4. dole

      This book is so great.  Poetry is Saved!

  5. alanrossi

      man, that video rocks. 

  6. Ben Mirov

      this is the best

  7. Ken Baumann

      Country collagin.

      They taught me how to think.

  8. Adam J Maynard

      curiously moving

  9. lorian long

      ‘memoirs of a secret agent’ is really great.

  10. Noah Falck

      I really like this gentlemen in the country. 

  11. mark leidner


  12. mimi

      i like the lily pad one 
      the lovely loop-i-ness and little-hops of it

  13. Duke Ewing

      To repeat–this is fucking great. I will now purchase this book. Thank you.

  14. MJ
  15. Ethan

      “I went to Harvard, so… ah…” ~ dude wearing a HARVARD T-shirt

  16. Carla

      I would watch this TV show every week. Mark Leidner, start doing one-man comedy shows. I’m waiting.