December 11th, 2008 / 4:50 pm
Author Spotlight & Random

Some of our favorite Weaklings: Recent highlights from Dennis Cooper’s blog

On Saturday we learned about the history of emo, as a genre of music, and as a philosophy slash lifestyle choice. We watched a video of Rites of Spring, allegedly the first emo (or “emocore”) band. We also learned how to style emo hair, and we listened with amused disgust while inarticulate teenage boys tried to explain what they hate about “the emos.”



On Monday we watched a bunch of video clips by/about/related to the Oulipo. There’s an Italo Calvino interview, and some Raymond Queneau stuff, and Harry Mathews, plus an “Oulipo condensation” of David Lynch’s Inland Empire, and a whole lot more. 



Today is “DC’s obscure porn search and rescue mission #8: Suck Cock America! (1972)



Every picture in this post except for this one came from this funny-creepy instructional website about activities for kids that I found while looking for "newspaper hat" pictures for the Pound post earlier. Instead of using MS Paint, why didn't they just give the kids emo haircuts?

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  1. Todd Colby

      Dennis Cooper makes me so happy there is a Dennis Cooper in this world. You know what I mean?

  2. Todd Colby

      Dennis Cooper makes me so happy there is a Dennis Cooper in this world. You know what I mean?

  3. island princess

      What were emos called in the 70s and 80s or are they just new kids who cannot handle life?

  4. island princess

      What were emos called in the 70s and 80s or are they just new kids who cannot handle life?

  5. jereme


  6. jereme


  7. Justin Taylor

      Todd- i know exactly what you mean.

      island & jereme- there’s some discussion of the difference in the post, i think. i also found a picture on google image, one of those mock-motivational posters, that described emo as “goth, but for pussies,” which seems to me interesting less in what tries to say about emo than what it tells us about what the writer thinks about goth.

  8. Justin Taylor

      Todd- i know exactly what you mean.

      island & jereme- there’s some discussion of the difference in the post, i think. i also found a picture on google image, one of those mock-motivational posters, that described emo as “goth, but for pussies,” which seems to me interesting less in what tries to say about emo than what it tells us about what the writer thinks about goth.