January 6th, 2010 / 5:21 pm
Author Spotlight & Presses

Two From Letter Machine Editions

Two handsome looking new full-lengths from Letter Machine Editions: Iowa, a crow-dark novel by Travis Nichols, and Texture Notes, a sort of glassblower’s cartographic adventure by Sawako Nakayasu. These are available together and right away at a discount. With these books and other books available or forthcoming from Anselm Berrigan, Renne Gladman, Farid Matuk, Sara Veglahn, John Yau, Julianna Leslie, Aaron Kunin and Peter Gizzi, Letter Machine Editions definitely looks like a smelter to watch. Here’s a random bit from Iowa to give you a zing:

The memories true or not against him seem to be turning to steam, as I turned, all the while thinking of chewing out alone eventually through the ghostly meats … Multiple murders of crows in the budding trees waiting to send the lilac sky to black, or every once in a while to bend remembrance gone on at the waist into coughing too long into the night.

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  1. john sakkis

      also received both at SPD yesterday morning…

  2. john sakkis

      also received both at SPD yesterday morning…

  3. Adam Robinson

      is the cover of iowa a photo by melissa scherrer?

  4. Adam Robinson

      is the cover of iowa a photo by melissa scherrer?

  5. Mike Young


  6. Mike Young


  7. Adam Robinson

      Thank you.

  8. Adam Robinson

      Thank you.

  9. Sean

      I am, as a rule, into crows. Will order.

  10. Bradley Sands

      The one with the butts is going to sell big.

  11. Bradley Sands

      The one with the butts is going to sell big.

  12. Noah Eli Gordon

      Hey, thanks so much folks for helping to spread the word!

  13. Noah Eli Gordon

      Hey, thanks so much folks for helping to spread the word!

  14. Erik Stinson


  15. Erik Stinson


  16. Fred Sasaki

      You said butts.

  17. Fred Sasaki

      You said butts.