May 26th, 2010 / 3:22 pm
Author Spotlight

We Are All Susceptible

On Twitter, Michael Kimball asked why zombies are so hungry. Maybe he’s doing research for a new book? Maybe it’s for


Dear Sara,
I’m sorry I came back to life and ate you and your new husband, Carl. It’s just that I can’t stop eating people. I suppose it isn’t all my fault, though. You should have known that I would be a fast zombie, after how good I was at track. Anyway, I have to go now because I hear there are some humans hiding out in the mall. Hey, maybe I’ll see you there?

Dear Dad,
Thanks for being so terrible all my life. Now I have something to be undead for. That’s right, something’s been gnawing at me, and pretty soon it’s going to be gnawing on you, too.

Dear What’s-Your-Face that I hit with my lunchbox,
I don’t care if it looked mean inside your head. All that blood must have been delicious.

Also see: How Much Of Us There Was to Eat, in which the grandmother pulls through . . . or does she?

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  1. BAC

      oh, that’s killer.

  2. Adam Robinson

      Oof. Good one.

  3. Matthew Simmons

      The Way The Family Got Away…from Zombies.

  4. Matthew Simmons

      60 Zombies/60 Places

  5. Nathan Tyree

      zombies are so 1999


      Maybe I’m so 1999

      But so is Prince

  6. Adam Robinson

      Seems like I Will Smash You comes ready-made.

  7. Matthew Simmons

      Yeah, seems so.

  8. Gigi

      This type of thought process frequently leads to incarceration, and rightfully so.

  9. Joseph Young

      Though a little bland– I Will Salt You.

      (or, I Will Salt-substitute You, for those with dietary restrictions).

  10. Nathan Tyree


  11. BAC

      oh, that’s killer.

  12. Adam Robinson

      Oof. Good one.

  13. Matthew Simmons

      The Way The Family Got Away…from Zombies.

  14. Matthew Simmons

      60 Zombies/60 Places

  15. Nathan Tyree

      zombies are so 1999


      Maybe I’m so 1999

      But so is Prince

  16. Adam Robinson

      Seems like I Will Smash You comes ready-made.

  17. Matthew Simmons

      Yeah, seems so.

  18. Gigi

      This type of thought process frequently leads to incarceration, and rightfully so.

  19. Joseph Young

      Though a little bland– I Will Salt You.

      (or, I Will Salt-substitute You, for those with dietary restrictions).

  20. Nathan Tyree
