October 30th, 2009 / 12:41 pm
Author Spotlight & Mean

Who Is Justin Taylor?

facebook blankI’m not about to tell you, except for this: Justin Taylor is very dear to me, and I to him. He even dedicated his–wait for it–chapbook to me. No joke. Some days, we are engaged to be married. We’ll have an early-morning wedding, family only, with a luncheon of cold meats and fowls following. But you don’t know me too well, either, so none of that info should really affect what I’m soliciting from you.

Knowing Justin heaps better than any one of you, I always love to read all the inaccurate insults hurled at him by HTMLGiant peeps. But there haven’t been nearly enough this Mean Week, for my liking. I would like to provide one place, right here, to collect all the wild misconceptions, ad-hominem attacks, and elaborate speculations. I’m especially interested in the latter. It seems that people here have especially detailed mental images of who this man is. Please share, right here, at the end of Mean Week. Don’t hold back. It’ll be more fun than hating on Tao Lin (are they really roommates!?!?!), I promise, because Mr. Taylor is more truly our own.



  1. Shya

      I like the way this post frames whatever discussion of Justin might follow in terms of misunderstanding.

  2. Shya

      I like the way this post frames whatever discussion of Justin might follow in terms of misunderstanding.

  3. jereme

      i dunno. i have always respected justin. he can be extremely arrogant at times but whatever. it’s just fun to point out sometimes.

  4. jereme

      i dunno. i have always respected justin. he can be extremely arrogant at times but whatever. it’s just fun to point out sometimes.

  5. Gian

      I heard he’s packing something huge. Not sure where I heard that, but I did. Just, you stud.

  6. Gian

      I heard he’s packing something huge. Not sure where I heard that, but I did. Just, you stud.

  7. Amy McDaniel

      prove me wrong. give me your totally accurate estimation of justin.

  8. Amy McDaniel

      prove me wrong. give me your totally accurate estimation of justin.

  9. Amy McDaniel

      i expected so much more from you on this, based on my own probably wildly inaccurate idea of who you are, based on your comments. and where’s that belgian beer you promised?

  10. Amy McDaniel

      i expected so much more from you on this, based on my own probably wildly inaccurate idea of who you are, based on your comments. and where’s that belgian beer you promised?

  11. Shya

      Well, your challenge is a nonstarter. Estimation of character is not the sort of thing that can be proven one way or another. That said, I agree that Justin is probably misunderstood by some GIANT readers, but I also think that he rather enjoys cultivating a kind of extreme persona in this space, one which gets a rise out of people, so I’d have to assume that any assessment based solely on his contribution here would be inaccurate, or at least distorted or exaggerated. But that wouldn’t mean it’s unfaithful to the persona. Clearly, I’m more interested in speaking about the matter abstractly than I am about Justin in any concrete way–partly out of laziness, but partly because the same dynamic applies to most contributors here, which is what makes it a “sticky” (to use advertising jargon) site.

  12. Shya

      Well, your challenge is a nonstarter. Estimation of character is not the sort of thing that can be proven one way or another. That said, I agree that Justin is probably misunderstood by some GIANT readers, but I also think that he rather enjoys cultivating a kind of extreme persona in this space, one which gets a rise out of people, so I’d have to assume that any assessment based solely on his contribution here would be inaccurate, or at least distorted or exaggerated. But that wouldn’t mean it’s unfaithful to the persona. Clearly, I’m more interested in speaking about the matter abstractly than I am about Justin in any concrete way–partly out of laziness, but partly because the same dynamic applies to most contributors here, which is what makes it a “sticky” (to use advertising jargon) site.

  13. Gus

      Justin used to take my lunch money.

  14. Gus

      Justin used to take my lunch money.

  15. Amy McDaniel

      This is what interests me–what exactly does this extreme persona entail? I’ve never read a post here by Justin that doesn’t seem ingenuous and true to who he really is, but people pile so many associations on that, which is what that persona comes from. I would maintain that while the whole thing amuses Justin, he does not himself cultivate this persona, at all.

  16. Amy McDaniel

      This is what interests me–what exactly does this extreme persona entail? I’ve never read a post here by Justin that doesn’t seem ingenuous and true to who he really is, but people pile so many associations on that, which is what that persona comes from. I would maintain that while the whole thing amuses Justin, he does not himself cultivate this persona, at all.

  17. Nathan Tyree

      There’s a rumor going around that he is an ambidextrous penguin fucker, but I for one do not believe it for a moment.

  18. Nathan Tyree

      There’s a rumor going around that he is an ambidextrous penguin fucker, but I for one do not believe it for a moment.

  19. Shya

      At the risk of being sucked into exactly what I said I’d avoid, you seriously don’t think his most recent post supports my point? Granted, everyone is posting risible things this week, but that’s only a somewhat exaggerated form of what naturally occurs on this blog–like other successful blogs, GIANT has hit upon a recipe that generates discussion, argument, and addiction. Perhaps I’d compromise with you by acknowledging that Justin may not be so intentional about it–but a persona is an organic development of ongoing contribution in this sort of context, a product as much of other’s perception as it is of one’s own intent. Anyway, I’m glad you know Justin more than the rest of it, and that you (presumably) find him such an extraordinary fellow. I’ve had the occasion to interact with him privately a few times, and never found him anything other than polite, sincere, and informed. Certainly not the kind of qualities appropriate for discussion during “mean week.”

  20. Shya

      At the risk of being sucked into exactly what I said I’d avoid, you seriously don’t think his most recent post supports my point? Granted, everyone is posting risible things this week, but that’s only a somewhat exaggerated form of what naturally occurs on this blog–like other successful blogs, GIANT has hit upon a recipe that generates discussion, argument, and addiction. Perhaps I’d compromise with you by acknowledging that Justin may not be so intentional about it–but a persona is an organic development of ongoing contribution in this sort of context, a product as much of other’s perception as it is of one’s own intent. Anyway, I’m glad you know Justin more than the rest of it, and that you (presumably) find him such an extraordinary fellow. I’ve had the occasion to interact with him privately a few times, and never found him anything other than polite, sincere, and informed. Certainly not the kind of qualities appropriate for discussion during “mean week.”

  21. Mather Schneider

      Old Justin has such an extreme personality his girlfriend has to vouche for it…and beg for insults so as not to be left out…Shut up Amy your posts are dull…

  22. Mather Schneider

      Old Justin has such an extreme personality his girlfriend has to vouche for it…and beg for insults so as not to be left out…Shut up Amy your posts are dull…

  23. jereme

      most people make misconceptions about me. i’m okay with it.

      i respect justin. i respect a lot of people but i treat every one the same. so if that means i get a chance to say something sarcastic or funny (to me) then i will. most people can’t tell when i’m joking. i think that’s a bad sign. not sure.

      i got love for every one who’s got love for me.

  24. jereme

      most people make misconceptions about me. i’m okay with it.

      i respect justin. i respect a lot of people but i treat every one the same. so if that means i get a chance to say something sarcastic or funny (to me) then i will. most people can’t tell when i’m joking. i think that’s a bad sign. not sure.

      i got love for every one who’s got love for me.

  25. jereme

      oh and as for the belgian beer. man, i always try to keep my word but like it takes me a long time to do shit.

      you’ll get it eventually.

  26. jereme

      oh and as for the belgian beer. man, i always try to keep my word but like it takes me a long time to do shit.

      you’ll get it eventually.

  27. davidpeak

      i’m pretty sure i sat behind justin during a reading at st. mark’s. when one of the poets finished his reading, justin offered him his seat. it was very well-mannered and sweet. i was impressed.

  28. davidpeak

      i’m pretty sure i sat behind justin during a reading at st. mark’s. when one of the poets finished his reading, justin offered him his seat. it was very well-mannered and sweet. i was impressed.

  29. Xian

      I’d fuck him

  30. Xian

      I’d fuck him

  31. drew kalbach

      i always thought justin worked at some back-woods college skinning babies for his expensive shoe line and experimenting with the long-term effects of an all-mushroom diet on south-east asian men. i’m pretty sure i read an article by him in playboy once about his many run-ins with post-op tranny prostitutes and just how much better they are in the sack. but the one thing i always respected about justin was that he didn’t let his truly elephant-sized forehead keep him from living an active and normal life.

      all of the above is true.

  32. drew kalbach

      i always thought justin worked at some back-woods college skinning babies for his expensive shoe line and experimenting with the long-term effects of an all-mushroom diet on south-east asian men. i’m pretty sure i read an article by him in playboy once about his many run-ins with post-op tranny prostitutes and just how much better they are in the sack. but the one thing i always respected about justin was that he didn’t let his truly elephant-sized forehead keep him from living an active and normal life.

      all of the above is true.

  33. mike

      i got confused about the apocalypse reader when dennis posted about it on his blog and then i got confused when i realized justin taylor wasn’t like 22 years old but this was when i stopped reading the comment section of dennis’s blog every day.

  34. mike

      i got confused about the apocalypse reader when dennis posted about it on his blog and then i got confused when i realized justin taylor wasn’t like 22 years old but this was when i stopped reading the comment section of dennis’s blog every day.

  35. Aaron

      I heard that at one reading, Justin had a lecturn just for his snake, which read poetry. Could be true.

      I don’t presume to know squat about Justin’s life or personality based on posts, but I do know that his posts evidence both extreme intelligence, proud use of his intelligence, and a confidence that I bet certain people take as arrogance. But who cares? Jealousy can make people see qualities that aren’t there, or maybe they are and I’ve missed them. What I get from his posts is a person who can say “ad-hominem” and know what it means (I don’t, and I studied Philosophy) and tell you about music that blows in the same sentence, then rile you with echapbook opinions of the sort that I read this blog for. I like that kind of mix, a curious, thoughtful and hungry mind. And I respect anyone who seems to work his or her ass off to make a living from using his or her brain. We have lots of big brains around here. Triple D craniums.

      But it’s also mean week so, I don’t know, maybe Justin should tell everyone he wears a codpiece at readings? All the rest is true.

  36. Aaron

      I heard that at one reading, Justin had a lecturn just for his snake, which read poetry. Could be true.

      I don’t presume to know squat about Justin’s life or personality based on posts, but I do know that his posts evidence both extreme intelligence, proud use of his intelligence, and a confidence that I bet certain people take as arrogance. But who cares? Jealousy can make people see qualities that aren’t there, or maybe they are and I’ve missed them. What I get from his posts is a person who can say “ad-hominem” and know what it means (I don’t, and I studied Philosophy) and tell you about music that blows in the same sentence, then rile you with echapbook opinions of the sort that I read this blog for. I like that kind of mix, a curious, thoughtful and hungry mind. And I respect anyone who seems to work his or her ass off to make a living from using his or her brain. We have lots of big brains around here. Triple D craniums.

      But it’s also mean week so, I don’t know, maybe Justin should tell everyone he wears a codpiece at readings? All the rest is true.

  37. Amy McDaniel

      Mather–this kind of comment makes me kind of hate mean week, because apparently I can’t be offended by your cruelty because it’s mean week? but good job, you’ve managed to transcend it by insulting this new thing i’m doing that is fun. just like that jefferson carter dude did to you. too bad he didn’t have mean week to hide behind like you do. also, i never say justin has an extreme personality, at all. just trying to have some fun, man.

  38. Amy McDaniel

      Mather–this kind of comment makes me kind of hate mean week, because apparently I can’t be offended by your cruelty because it’s mean week? but good job, you’ve managed to transcend it by insulting this new thing i’m doing that is fun. just like that jefferson carter dude did to you. too bad he didn’t have mean week to hide behind like you do. also, i never say justin has an extreme personality, at all. just trying to have some fun, man.

  39. Amy McDaniel

      ah, just realized the janitor isn’t you. makes much more sense if the jefferson carter character is based on you.

  40. Amy McDaniel

      ah, just realized the janitor isn’t you. makes much more sense if the jefferson carter character is based on you.

  41. Tim Jones-Yelvington

      I’ve never read arrogance into them. I’ve actually been somewhat taken aback by all this “justin is an elitist prick” stuff. If, as a reader, I’ve ever stereotyped him as anything, its as “the mature one.”

  42. Tim Jones-Yelvington

      I’ve never read arrogance into them. I’ve actually been somewhat taken aback by all this “justin is an elitist prick” stuff. If, as a reader, I’ve ever stereotyped him as anything, its as “the mature one.”

  43. Tim Jones-Yelvington

      Amy, I like your posts.

  44. Tim Jones-Yelvington

      Amy, I like your posts.

  45. jereme


      i dunno why you would get upset at this statement.

      i have no clue if you are “involved with justin, but, fuck if you are, you better be protecting him.

      my girl better choose me over every one.

      as for the dull part. if you believe your shit is dull, address it. otherwise just laugh.

  46. jereme


      i dunno why you would get upset at this statement.

      i have no clue if you are “involved with justin, but, fuck if you are, you better be protecting him.

      my girl better choose me over every one.

      as for the dull part. if you believe your shit is dull, address it. otherwise just laugh.

  47. Mather Schneider

      Amy your recent posts on “elitism” and “what’s your major” and this one about Taylor are lazy, arrogant and boring.

      The janitor was based on me and Jefferson Carter was based on Jefferson Carter. Look him up, maybe you’ll like him.

  48. Mather Schneider

      Amy your recent posts on “elitism” and “what’s your major” and this one about Taylor are lazy, arrogant and boring.

      The janitor was based on me and Jefferson Carter was based on Jefferson Carter. Look him up, maybe you’ll like him.

  49. Blake Butler

      so boring you’re still here commenting on each comment to each comment

  50. Blake Butler

      so boring you’re still here commenting on each comment to each comment

  51. Amy McDaniel


      Jereme–I dunno, I guess I take reader feedback seriously, though maybe a bit too personally. I work hard not to be dull, to be engaging, etc. It may be mean week, but I’m still making real effort, and I don’t think it’s cool to just tell someone to shut up when they are trying to offer something to people. like, why not make a considered criticism, or just not read my posts?

  52. Amy McDaniel


      Jereme–I dunno, I guess I take reader feedback seriously, though maybe a bit too personally. I work hard not to be dull, to be engaging, etc. It may be mean week, but I’m still making real effort, and I don’t think it’s cool to just tell someone to shut up when they are trying to offer something to people. like, why not make a considered criticism, or just not read my posts?

  53. Justin Taylor

      Not sure what confused you, but here’s a quick rundown- I’m 27 now, but I’ve known Dennis since I was about 22. I sought him out because I’d been in love with his work for years, and he gave me what I regard as my first “real” piece of journalism (an interview with Bookslut). Then we stayed in touch. (This was in the pre-blog days.) When I edited the Apocalypse Reader–about 2 years later–Dennis was in the first group of people I asked to be part of it, and the very first to send a contribution. I think young people flock to him because he takes us–or, rather, “them,” since I don’t think I really qualify anymore–seriously. He treats people as equals, and if he’s interested in something then he’s interested in it, irrespective of where or who it came from. He’s one of the most genuine people I’ve ever met, and he was a hero long before he was a friend. So that’s that story.

  54. Justin Taylor

      Not sure what confused you, but here’s a quick rundown- I’m 27 now, but I’ve known Dennis since I was about 22. I sought him out because I’d been in love with his work for years, and he gave me what I regard as my first “real” piece of journalism (an interview with Bookslut). Then we stayed in touch. (This was in the pre-blog days.) When I edited the Apocalypse Reader–about 2 years later–Dennis was in the first group of people I asked to be part of it, and the very first to send a contribution. I think young people flock to him because he takes us–or, rather, “them,” since I don’t think I really qualify anymore–seriously. He treats people as equals, and if he’s interested in something then he’s interested in it, irrespective of where or who it came from. He’s one of the most genuine people I’ve ever met, and he was a hero long before he was a friend. So that’s that story.

  55. drew kalbach

      never saw the arrogance, either.

      the codpiece thing is true, i have proof, photographs etc.

  56. drew kalbach

      never saw the arrogance, either.

      the codpiece thing is true, i have proof, photographs etc.

  57. Mather Schneider

      I didn’t say the comments were boring, only the posts…and the only reason the posts are interesting is because I’m contributing…

  58. Mather Schneider

      I didn’t say the comments were boring, only the posts…and the only reason the posts are interesting is because I’m contributing…

  59. Tim Jones-Yelvington

      Im confused about what was confusing.

  60. Tim Jones-Yelvington

      Im confused about what was confusing.

  61. Aaron

      So he’s the HTMLBackstreet Boy with, say, wire rim specs and an atache? I like that.

  62. Aaron

      So he’s the HTMLBackstreet Boy with, say, wire rim specs and an atache? I like that.

  63. Mather Schneider

      I mean the comments, not the posts, mis-wrote there…Blake, sticking up for your weakest writers does not do you any good…

  64. Mather Schneider

      I mean the comments, not the posts, mis-wrote there…Blake, sticking up for your weakest writers does not do you any good…

  65. jereme

      personally i like your shit. i don’t really feel the need to say it but i will.

      there will always be people to tell you you’re worthless. to me it takes more strength to stay where you feel weird and maybe not wanted than to just give up and shut down.

      if you are juggernaut, not even time can hurt you. be a juggernaut.

  66. jereme

      personally i like your shit. i don’t really feel the need to say it but i will.

      there will always be people to tell you you’re worthless. to me it takes more strength to stay where you feel weird and maybe not wanted than to just give up and shut down.

      if you are juggernaut, not even time can hurt you. be a juggernaut.

  67. Javeline Hellion

      Mather, your mama named you that because it rhymes with “blather” which is all you do. Saddle up my javelina ass and ride into a cactus.

  68. Javeline Hellion

      Mather, your mama named you that because it rhymes with “blather” which is all you do. Saddle up my javelina ass and ride into a cactus.

  69. Amy McDaniel

      again, i’m sure i’m being overly sensitive. but why not just skip my posts? do you really get off that much on telling younger less-established writers that they are boring and arrogant? i liked your story. i felt empathy for the main character. if i hadn’t liked it, though, i wouldn’t have told you that–i just wouldn’t read anything else you wrote.

  70. Amy McDaniel

      again, i’m sure i’m being overly sensitive. but why not just skip my posts? do you really get off that much on telling younger less-established writers that they are boring and arrogant? i liked your story. i felt empathy for the main character. if i hadn’t liked it, though, i wouldn’t have told you that–i just wouldn’t read anything else you wrote.

  71. Tim Jones-Yelvington


  72. Tim Jones-Yelvington


  73. Mather Schneider

      “Blather” rhymes with “Mather”…that is hilarious…struck a nerve here, eh?

  74. Mather Schneider

      “Blather” rhymes with “Mather”…that is hilarious…struck a nerve here, eh?

  75. drew kalbach

      i like that this post turned into “you’re a jerk!”, “no, you’re a jerk!”, “i know you are but what am i!”.

      good job, guys.

  76. drew kalbach

      i like that this post turned into “you’re a jerk!”, “no, you’re a jerk!”, “i know you are but what am i!”.

      good job, guys.

  77. darby

      I like amy’s posts. i especially liked the first one about jane austin where she used the phrase ‘I want to think harder than that.’ That’s my favorite phrase of all htmlgiant posts.

      justin, I like his ability. he wrote an essay about the codex seraphinianus that made me seek out that book and buy a copy and now its my favorite book object that I own.

      justin, I like his ability to the point I am probably jealous of it. I get the sense that justin has a kind of priviledge that I will never attain. The problem is, I never get the sense that it was earned. Maybe it was, i don’t know. But he’s always quick to tell you who he knows. He refers to his agent as if its common to have an agent. I’m jealous of his ability to write nonfiction, but sometimes I want some kind of hint that he doesn’t take his ability for granted.

  78. darby

      I like amy’s posts. i especially liked the first one about jane austin where she used the phrase ‘I want to think harder than that.’ That’s my favorite phrase of all htmlgiant posts.

      justin, I like his ability. he wrote an essay about the codex seraphinianus that made me seek out that book and buy a copy and now its my favorite book object that I own.

      justin, I like his ability to the point I am probably jealous of it. I get the sense that justin has a kind of priviledge that I will never attain. The problem is, I never get the sense that it was earned. Maybe it was, i don’t know. But he’s always quick to tell you who he knows. He refers to his agent as if its common to have an agent. I’m jealous of his ability to write nonfiction, but sometimes I want some kind of hint that he doesn’t take his ability for granted.

  79. Blake Butler

      hm. i’m going to have to think about the idea of ‘taking one’s ability for granted’ for a while. seriously.

  80. Blake Butler

      hm. i’m going to have to think about the idea of ‘taking one’s ability for granted’ for a while. seriously.

  81. Mather Schneider

      Amy, you’re a writer on a popular website, that’s established enough to take a little criticism. If you don’t think so, stop writing for public consumption. This post just seemed lazy to me, because if Taylor is so hated as a strong personality or whatever you’re saying he is, then he wouldn’t need this kind of post, he would be DREADING this kind of post. So, this kind of post is like a joke, right? I know, funny, funny. You guys are desperate to post and be interesting and sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. I will not stop reading you because sometime you might write something I like and why would I deliberately miss that? I don’t know you and you are probably a fine human being. But, I think your recent posts have been weak, that’s all. So write something else and change my mind. Sorry I told you to shut up.

  82. Mather Schneider

      Amy, you’re a writer on a popular website, that’s established enough to take a little criticism. If you don’t think so, stop writing for public consumption. This post just seemed lazy to me, because if Taylor is so hated as a strong personality or whatever you’re saying he is, then he wouldn’t need this kind of post, he would be DREADING this kind of post. So, this kind of post is like a joke, right? I know, funny, funny. You guys are desperate to post and be interesting and sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. I will not stop reading you because sometime you might write something I like and why would I deliberately miss that? I don’t know you and you are probably a fine human being. But, I think your recent posts have been weak, that’s all. So write something else and change my mind. Sorry I told you to shut up.

  83. Javeline Hellion

      are you riding your javelina yet?

  84. Javeline Hellion


  85. Javeline Hellion

      are you riding your javelina yet?

  86. Javeline Hellion


  87. Mather Schneider

      javelinas are too small to ride…and too ornery…

  88. Mather Schneider

      javelinas are too small to ride…and too ornery…

  89. Michael James

      that was incredibly inventive and could be a story i’d read

  90. Michael James

      that was incredibly inventive and could be a story i’d read

  91. Dean Dad

      Justin Taylor is someone who doesn’t realize he is harming his future by associating with people who are, at best, highly unprofessional. But in this he is far from alone.

  92. Dean Dad

      Justin Taylor is someone who doesn’t realize he is harming his future by associating with people who are, at best, highly unprofessional. But in this he is far from alone.

  93. Alden

      A number of us who have had experiences with that person – including someone who dedicated his first novel to him – have had that reaction at first. Give it time and see if you change your mind.

  94. Alden

      A number of us who have had experiences with that person – including someone who dedicated his first novel to him – have had that reaction at first. Give it time and see if you change your mind.

  95. Alden

      And if you ever were in his messy L.A. apartment you might discover things lying about that could make you change your mind. Just saying…from someone who’s been there.

  96. Alden

      And if you ever were in his messy L.A. apartment you might discover things lying about that could make you change your mind. Just saying…from someone who’s been there.

  97. Garett Strickland

      Justin met up for a drink when I was in NY staying one stop down on the L train and said afterward we’d meet up again for sure and then we DIDN’T. He didn’t even respond to my texts when I invited him to this or that!


  98. barry

      i think justin’s a smart dude. i like some of his stuff. i teach his short story jealousy of angels in my classes. the thing that rubs me the worng way, and what probably rubs others the wrong way too, isnt that he’s smart and talented and everyone is jealous, its that he thinks his ideas and thoughts and beliefs are better than everyone else’s. and they arent. they’re just standard avergae ideas.

      you dont like echapbooks, who gives a fuck? you arent better than anyone who has published one and neither is your writing. you have a book deal… so do lots of shitty writers. you work hard, sure, but so do lots of people. you havent done anything to deserve the ego that you and your cum swallower are trying to pretend you dont have.

  99. barry

      i think justin’s a smart dude. i like some of his stuff. i teach his short story jealousy of angels in my classes. the thing that rubs me the worng way, and what probably rubs others the wrong way too, isnt that he’s smart and talented and everyone is jealous, its that he thinks his ideas and thoughts and beliefs are better than everyone else’s. and they arent. they’re just standard avergae ideas.

      you dont like echapbooks, who gives a fuck? you arent better than anyone who has published one and neither is your writing. you have a book deal… so do lots of shitty writers. you work hard, sure, but so do lots of people. you havent done anything to deserve the ego that you and your cum swallower are trying to pretend you dont have.

  100. jereme

      you are still one of my favs barry.

      4 lyfe

  101. jereme

      you are still one of my favs barry.

      4 lyfe

  102. Andy

      I’m pretty sure he’s not important enough to warrant a post. No one cares.

  103. Andy

      I’m pretty sure he’s not important enough to warrant a post. No one cares.

  104. larry

      I like pondering this.

  105. larry

      I like pondering this.

  106. James

      He’s also very short. Like did-his-parents-give-him-enough-nutrition short. Like Guatemalan busbuy short. He looks like a vole. A short vole.

      Oh wait, it’s not mean week anymore?

  107. James

      He’s also very short. Like did-his-parents-give-him-enough-nutrition short. Like Guatemalan busbuy short. He looks like a vole. A short vole.

      Oh wait, it’s not mean week anymore?

  108. nicolle elizabeth

      kinda a babe
      more of a babe when he talks
      not a lot of guys have that, actually

  109. nicolle elizabeth

      kinda a babe
      more of a babe when he talks
      not a lot of guys have that, actually

  110. Jefferson Carter

      Mather and I got off on the wrong (right) foot when I read his drug-induced fantasy about my dissing him when he was a lowly janitor (before he became a lowly taxicab driver). Once I straightened him out with my recollection of our meeting, he dropped the whole interchange from his blog, I don’t know why. Now we’re having a friendly (if one can have anything friendly with Mather) mano a mano poem contest, judged by Jamison Crabtree, someone we both agreed to. Mather (bless his competitive little heart) and I are waiting with bated breath for the results: my poem against his, put up or shut up, the loser has to buy the winner’s new book! Stay tuned!

  111. Jefferson Carter

      Mather and I got off on the wrong (right) foot when I read his drug-induced fantasy about my dissing him when he was a lowly janitor (before he became a lowly taxicab driver). Once I straightened him out with my recollection of our meeting, he dropped the whole interchange from his blog, I don’t know why. Now we’re having a friendly (if one can have anything friendly with Mather) mano a mano poem contest, judged by Jamison Crabtree, someone we both agreed to. Mather (bless his competitive little heart) and I are waiting with bated breath for the results: my poem against his, put up or shut up, the loser has to buy the winner’s new book! Stay tuned!

  112. Jefferson Carter

      I won! I won! I won! Now I can tell Mather to go buy my new book at Antigone book store! Yaa-hooo!

  113. Jefferson Carter

      I won! I won! I won! Now I can tell Mather to go buy my new book at Antigone book store! Yaa-hooo!