Ben Mirov

Ben Mirov grew up in Northern California. He is the author of Ghost Machine (Caketrain, 2010), and the chapbooks, Vortexts (SUPERMACHINE, 2011), I is to Vorticism (New Michigan Press, 2010) and Collected Ghost (H_NGM_N, 2010).
Ben Mirov grew up in Northern California. He is the author of Ghost Machine (Caketrain, 2010), and the chapbooks, Vortexts (SUPERMACHINE, 2011), I is to Vorticism (New Michigan Press, 2010) and Collected Ghost (H_NGM_N, 2010).
The SFWA (Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America) has named one of my favorite writers, Gene Wolfe as the 2012 recipient of the Damon Knight Memorial Grand Master Award. Which is like being the Chaos Lord of American sci-fi/fantasy writers.
Catch Up Issue 3 is available for preorder. You can read/hear work from past contributors in their rad Bonus Round. Brought to you by the hard working folks at Gold County Paper Mill.
Chateau Wichman is a book-length poem focused on a would be-hero as ambitious as he is aimless. Luckily, a mysterious group known as the Sage Editors uses everything from Rilke to The Terminator to turn The Wichman into a mythological celebrity. The Wichman doesn’t mind the transition until he begins to notice how little of himself others see in him. Epic visions, rushed romance, harebrained escapes, and the most sublime chicken cordon bleu recipe—all within one epic saga: Chateau Wichman: Blockbuster in Verse.
(poet/video artist Ben Pease talks about the process of making this video poem):
Brooklyn based, small press Augury Books has extended its Editor’s Prize deadline until August 15th. DetailsHEEREREREREREREREREREeeeee
I found this video linked from a post on Gawker. Here are some notes I took while watching it several times in a row:
The Feeling is Mutual: A Li$t of Our Fucking Demand$ is an anthology edited by Sara Wintz, designed by Michael Cross and Stephen Novotny. All proceeds from the purchase of the anthology go towards supporting Small Press Traffic, the esteemed Bay Area nonprofit organization.
…the epigraph from the 2nd edition of Christian Bök’s, Crystalography: