October 27th, 2009 / 4:47 pm

This was the first time I had heard about my great stupidity. And I was quite surprised, as it had not occurred to me. But certainly it did account for many things. And it always followed a pummeling, when the world blurred into gray edges and my ears throbbed and darted inside. I would wander without destination often, in the wake of beatings. I would believe I was a floating shadow riding on puffs of air, my toes barely skimming the ground.

-from My Happy Life by Lydia Millet



  1. Michael Kimball

      This is such a great book.

  2. Michael Kimball

      This is such a great book.

  3. Mike Young

      i love this book, should be read by many

  4. Mike Young

      i love this book, should be read by many

  5. Ryan Call

      we’re reading it in my introlit class

  6. Ryan Call

      we’re reading it in my introlit class