April 7th, 2009 / 12:12 pm

What’s up, Rumpus? Part Whatever in a Series of Infinity

Over at The Daily Rumpus they’re publishing new poems for National Poetry Month. So far they’ve got Daphne Gottlieb and Dawn Trook, but keep checking back to see what comes next. Also, YouTube clip of Tobias Wolff singing a song with John Darnielle.

from “the end of the county cheese princess’ reign” by Daphne Gottlieb

After I was crowned, I visited the next baby born
and brought a cheese basket with fruit.

Fruit has no princess so I became
the fruit ambassador as well
on a moment’s notice.

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  1. Drew

      More royalty. Do the math, guy.

  2. Drew

      More royalty. Do the math, guy.