August 27th, 2013 / 7:45 am
Haut or not & Snippets

Is this annoying?

(I think so.)


  1. David Fishkind

      i’ve always hated links

  2. elias tezapsidis

      i kinda like the surprise element. r u generally anti-surprise?

  3. Erik Stinson

      why isn’t she moving

  4. mimi

      where is the pepper spray cop when we need him?

  5. mimi

      . . . and, he’s not aiming at her eyes . . .

      ouch !

  6. Jeremy Hopkins

      Do you mean is it annoying to have people create these little memes which seem to provide ‘commentary’ on current events and culture but really are just as shallow as the object of their satire?
      Or do you mean is it annoying that they only used one single shot of her when the form of these images might be more pleasing if they’d taken the time to cut a different Cyrus stance for each image thereby allowing for a more interesting interaction between the pasted picture and the picture upon which it is pasted?
      Or do you not mean either of those things?

  7. deadgod

      I didn’t think of that question at all. Elias, do you mean you’re annoyed by the tumblr’s theme–that it’s intrinsically belittling or trivializing or whatever–, or annoyed by the tumblr’s quality–that a potentially insightful (or funny) juxtaposition meme has so far been botched?

  8. deadgod

      I didn’t think of that question at all. Elias, do you mean you’re annoyed by the tumblr’s theme–that it’s intrinsically belittling or trivializing or whatever–, or annoyed by the tumblr’s quality–that a potentially insightful (or funny) juxtaposition meme has so far been botched?

  9. elias tezapsidis

      the theme of “instead of consume BLAH, we should think about XYZ,” specifically in how it implies that knowing about shit/ trash culture means ignoring important things happening in the actual world.

  10. elias tezapsidis

      not everything is a gif, ERIK

  11. mimi

      i think it’s important to know about the shit/trash culture and the important things

      AND how the shit/trash culture can deflect attention from the important stuff, which in makes the shit/trash culture stuff important to know about, actually, it’s distracting effects, etc etc etc

  12. LiamHarkin

      yeah, but, and maybe this is an obvious point, there are lots of people for whom knowing about ‘shit/trash culture’ IS the important thing happening in the actual world. so that is a problem, maybe? no? I really don’t think enough people have your shittrash to not-shittrash life balance elias.

  13. Trey

      felt a little like the point was that we should talk about any of these things with the rapidity, fervor, and widespread attention that we talked about miley after the VMAs. but that’s speculation.

      and also yes it’s annoying.

  14. elias tezapsidis

      very fair point. depressinggggggg, thx

  15. mimi
  16. elias tezapsidis