October 14th, 2008 / 12:27 am

“boston review” or “shitty suck-sack”? you be the judge

in an attempt to be really mean, i decided to randomly attack a journal.  so i went to google and typed in “the most literary journal” hoping someone would have referred to themselves like that.  then i tried “mega awesome lit journal” and i got nothing.  then i typed in a stupid sounding name “the boston review” and ta-da, it exists.  here, for your spiteful edification, is me interjecting things into their about page:

“Boston Review is a nonpartisan magazine of ideas [yeah, shitty ideas]: animated by hope [and stupid-assedness] , committed to equality and reason [and being lame and butthole-y], convinced that the imagination eludes political categories [p.s.: we blow more than the show “m.a.s.h”]. We see each issue as a public space where people can loosen the hold of conventional preconceptions [really? or perhaps, loosen a stool into your mouth, just perhaps?] and bring this openness to bear on today’s most pressing issues [like what a good plot arc is]. Our mission requires that as editors we shun polemic and partisanship [and being not-dumb], uphold the highest standards of argument and evidence, value ambition and originality, seek widely diverse perspectives, and make complex ideas accessible [also to publish things as close compositionally to shit as possible without streaking the printer]. We have a national readership of men and women [and people who wear slippers in the reading room when they read our publication] who are engaged in the challenge of today’s world; who want deeper [anal] coverage of current affairs than the mainstream media offers; and who see the arts as an essential part of the human enterprise [yeah, the human enterprise of being a fuckhead with a shriveled penis that wears brooks brothers khakis].

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  1. Blake Butler

      thank god for sam pink

  2. Blake Butler

      thank god for sam pink

  3. Court

      Alright, the first few lines, at least, were pretty funny. Makes me wonder: is an Apology Week in the offing?

      You could also make this site easier to navigate. Who wrote this post? Why are the links so hard to see? Just sayin’.

  4. Court

      Alright, the first few lines, at least, were pretty funny. Makes me wonder: is an Apology Week in the offing?

      You could also make this site easier to navigate. Who wrote this post? Why are the links so hard to see? Just sayin’.

  5. carl

      mean weak

  6. carl

      mean weak