August 26th, 2009 / 3:50 pm
Power Quote

Steve Albini Bucks You (Me?) Up About Your (My?) Life Choices


I traded books with the hot girl who works at the coffee shop across from my house. She’s got my Collected Jack Spicer and I’ve got her copy of the pictured-above: We Owe You Nothing: Punk Planet, the Collected Interviews. (Though not the “complete” interviews. This book came out from Akashic in 2001.) So far my favorite thing in it is this interview that Steve Albini gave to Luis Illades of Pansy Division. The whole thing’s worth reading, but here’s a power quote for you (me? us?).

At this point, being a musician as well as an engineer and a producer, it seems as though you’re pretty satisfied with where you’re at and what you’ve done. Are there goals you still have that you want to meet?

[…] The way I operate now–and this is what’s bred contentment in me–is that I know how I’m going to behave. I know how I’m going to interact with other people and weigh the importance of the things in my life and the things I have to do for other people. I don’t know the results; they’re going to be a surprise. That’s true of almost everything in my life. I know how I’m going to live. I don’t know what my life will entail.

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  1. Janey Smith

      Steve Albini also published some stuff by Peter Sotos–and Nirvana! Super neat, Justin. So, what are you going to do with all those uncorrected proofs of your books, again?

  2. Janey Smith

      Steve Albini also published some stuff by Peter Sotos–and Nirvana! Super neat, Justin. So, what are you going to do with all those uncorrected proofs of your books, again?

  3. Drew Toal

      Hahaahahaha. Is that girl going to be our next roommate?

  4. Justin Taylor

      I’m carrying one around with me, to show to girls at bars. The other nine are for STRATEGIC DEPLOYMENT, and Harper says there won’t be many if any replacements. So far, neither of my parents, nor the dedicatee have gotten one.

  5. Justin Taylor

      You think we can handle five people to the bathroom? personally, I’m dying to find out.

  6. Justin Taylor

      I’m carrying one around with me, to show to girls at bars. The other nine are for STRATEGIC DEPLOYMENT, and Harper says there won’t be many if any replacements. So far, neither of my parents, nor the dedicatee have gotten one.

  7. Justin Taylor

      You think we can handle five people to the bathroom? personally, I’m dying to find out.

  8. Janey Smith

      Sad. Well, if by accident one of those books falls into an envelope with the right postage on it and then clumsily stumbles into a nearby mailbox, make sure you let that book know that it should go to: 849 Haight Street, San Francisco, CA 94117.

      That’s all.

  9. Janey Smith

      Sad. Well, if by accident one of those books falls into an envelope with the right postage on it and then clumsily stumbles into a nearby mailbox, make sure you let that book know that it should go to: 849 Haight Street, San Francisco, CA 94117.

      That’s all.

  10. PHM

      ‘Bout time you posted something interesting. Thanks.

  11. PHM

      ‘Bout time you posted something interesting. Thanks.