September 14th, 2011 / 8:20 pm
Events & Random

2.4 cents

MFA: 1. Time. 2. People who give a shit about writing. Any other expectations, fuckoff and good luck and rank and yelp and yelp back, cool. Finding people who give a shit about writing, difficult. Finding Time, dern near brain-boggling. Enjoy both. Seriously.

And don’t forget to write.



  1. BoomersMustDie

      My $0.02 = if you are enjoying yourself in a professional degree program then you are doing it wrong. 

  2. Dave

      Since when is Poets & Writers a hostile, stubborn, divisive force in the writing world? Oh yeah, since they invited Seth on board.

  3. Frank Tas, the Raptor

      My last job as a paralegal there was some kid who got hired because he went to Princeton. Problem was he studied dance in Princeton. Ended up getting fired three weeks later, but at least I get to say I worked with a guy who went to Princeton, y’know?

  4. Darby Larson

      how’s that work with the ladies? “I worked with a guy who went to princeton, wink wink.”

  5. Frank Tas, the Raptor

      Let’s just say that Princeton specializes in cultivating more than one type of “brain.”

  6. Frank Tas, the Raptor

      Let’s just say that Princeton specializes in cultivating more than one type of “brain.”

  7. Frank Tas, the Raptor

      Jesus. The only way this joke could’ve actually been funny is if I started having a seizure immediately after I said it.

  8. Frank Tas, the Raptor

      Jesus. The only way this joke could’ve actually been funny is if I started having a seizure immediately after I said it.

  9. Laura Carter

      Agreed. Time and space, new friends. 

  10. Leapsloth14

      That’s why I said remember to write.

  11. joe

      The only time I managed to glean for myself in my brief stint was time I stole when I skipped some bullshit class. Maybe that’s why that program isn’t on that silly list.

  12. Guestagain

      P&W probably should have added 2 columns to that spreadsheet:
      1). Faculty Reputation – Low/Medium/High, although that’s telling rather than showing
      2). Likelihood you will end up sounding like the rest of MFA Nation – High/Guaranteed