July 29th, 2010 / 2:38 pm

Doxsee, Julie. Objects for a Fog Death. (2010)

Objects for a Fog Death is a series of odes to images and objects, and to the “you” responsible for distancing these images and objects from mortal relationships. With this distance comes a profound desire and a heightening awareness of earthly proximity. Through the accompanying hypnagogic verses, oceans quiet the voice while disorientation hurls it into a temporary place—hovering overhead or shying away in the murk. Is a river an object? Is fog an object? Or for that matter, is fog a place? Behind this book lies a call for rescue from confinement and immobility, from the ineffability of touch. Out of this fog springs forth the coeval shriek of something that will not be reduced to love. Available now from Black Ocean.

Samples after the jump…

Skyholes that Made You Laugh

I throw a moon, it rolls
onto your bathroom roof.

Look where the sky greens
around where I ripped

it, full null hung
like a roar.  Radios screw

up.  I told the bullet
whir & the bullet

made a world.


With a fingertip you cross
my chest beginning to end &

we graduate gradually
to knives. In a trance

under the violet-blind sheet
I see only the wind

waving violets, cartoon-
ripe from a plan perfectly

cut. Tingling after the
grip, your hands make

a shadow parrot, but
there is no sun to cast it, to

make it look not guilty
like hands.

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  1. drew kalbach

      i endorse this product

  2. Tyler

      That cover is real cool. Nice samples too.

  3. drew kalbach

      i endorse this product

  4. Jeremiah

      Just started reading this book today and those are two of the poems that immediately stood out to me. I think it’s because the objects here are forced into positions and uses that defy or deny their intended uses. That technique works well, and I’m excited to dig a bit deeper but I haven’t even finished a first read.

  5. Tyler

      That cover is real cool. Nice samples too.

  6. Jeremiah

      Just started reading this book today and those are two of the poems that immediately stood out to me. I think it’s because the objects here are forced into positions and uses that defy or deny their intended uses. That technique works well, and I’m excited to dig a bit deeper but I haven’t even finished a first read.

  7. Jsn

      Wonderful poems, a great cover and as art should be -in slug motion they syncopate Yourgrau with a one-drop beat … end with a hypnagogic startle –bloody difficult to describe! :-)

  8. Jsn

      Wonderful poems, a great cover and as art should be -in slug motion they syncopate Yourgrau with a one-drop beat … end with a hypnagogic startle –bloody difficult to describe! :-)

  9. sasha fletcher

      i second drew’s endorsement, adding my own.
      i too endorse this product.

  10. sasha fletcher

      i second drew’s endorsement, adding my own.
      i too endorse this product.

  11. Janaka

      Thanks for posting–

      –and for the good words everyone!

      We picked up this book right after her first one, Undersleep (with Octopus Books), came out. So we’ve had it for a while, biding our time. I’m excited to finally see it in print and in people’s hands.

  12. Janaka

      Thanks for posting–

      –and for the good words everyone!

      We picked up this book right after her first one, Undersleep (with Octopus Books), came out. So we’ve had it for a while, biding our time. I’m excited to finally see it in print and in people’s hands.

  13. Doxsee Rolls Into Corcoran, I Accompany — Poetry Tommorow/Today | Pigafetta, Poetry, and Painkillers

      […] Objects For A Fog Death (Black Ocean, 2010). Listen. It’ll be down town and classy like. Some poems. Here’s Facebook stuff–RSVP etc. (& thanks to CS for putting this together on […]