September 5th, 2009 / 4:32 am

eric yahnker googled something then googled something else then wrote a book with his foot

Selected Reading

Selected Reading (Nausea)

Eric Yahnker is an artist who was recently interviewed on Fecal Face and is very cool and funny and incidentally has a literary fixation. His philosophy on art: Jasper Johns (circa 1965): “Take an object. Do something to it. Do something else to it.” Current: “Google something. Google something else. Photoshop it.”
He has a degree in journalism.
Light Reading

Light Reading

“I always hint my work is more to be ‘read’ than merely viewed.” – Eric Yahnker
Selected Reading (The Jews)

Selected Reading (The Jews)

“Some people count sheep to get to sleep, I find incongruities in the English language. ” -Eric Yahnker
99 Rises/100 Falls

99 Rises/100 Falls

“Exploitation just makes sense as an art strategy.” -Eric Yahnker
American Socrates - Stephen R. Covey -The Seven Habits of Highly - Effective People" re-written with my foot

The Seven Habits of Highly - Effective People re-written with my foot

“I’m a great lover.” -Eric Yahnker
Trifold Enthusiasm

Trifold Enthusiasm

He has a really cool website:
I also love Turdhat
Turdhat #3

Turdhat #3

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  1. reynard seifert

      radicaL i love writing with my feet. it’s my new thing that i do. with my feet.

  2. reynard seifert

      radicaL i love writing with my feet. it’s my new thing that i do. with my feet.

  3. Adam Humphreys
  4. Adam Humphreys
  5. Jimmy Chen

      this guy is brilliant. i love it all.

  6. Jimmy Chen

      this guy is brilliant. i love it all.

  7. Ken Baumann

      Dig it. Really good.

  8. Ken Baumann

      Dig it. Really good.

  9. Blake Butler

      chelsea posts are the posts

  10. Blake Butler

      chelsea posts are the posts

  11. Robert Gruen

      Eric keep it coming….fresh wit is hard-to-find

      you certainly helped my day

  12. ITelekom

      Я уверен, что это — ложный путь.

  13. ITelekom

      Я уверен, что это — ложный путь.