January 26th, 2012 / 1:11 pm

Gertrude Stein Bro Reaction Triptych

see more bros: I Talked Books to Bros on Chatroulette


  1. Trey

      the full article is good. the thing about the guy who didn’t like Borges was good, made me feel good today.

      I’m glad you told that kid he was too young to smoke.

      I think I would be too scared to do this. when someone was angry or violent at me I would get embarrassed and quit, probably.

  2. Trey

      also I like that chatroulette begins all conversations with “Connected to somebody.”

  3. Brian M

      I wonder what those 2 dudes are doing in the first screen-grab? Jesus lol

  4. Scott
  5. tao lin


  6. deadgod

      very cool; don’t think it was a ‘prank’, or prefer to think of it elsewise

      especially interested in “partner”‘s reading experiences/opinions

      incredulous/hostile reactions:  okay, that’s funny

      would be more interested if “you” had copped to reading the posed book, not as a proselyte, but as an enthusiast

  7. deadgod

      very cool; don’t think it was a ‘prank’, or prefer to think of it elsewise

      especially interested in “partner”‘s reading experiences/opinions

      incredulous/hostile reactions:  okay, that’s funny

      would be more interested if “you” had copped to reading the posed book, not as a proselyte, but as an enthusiast

  8. Anonymous


  9. Joe Bussiere

       so modern