March 10th, 2014 / 9:58 am

I Am Heavy Bored

It’s amazing how many times I’ve received this email, usually from a sane, diligent, intelligent and widely-published poet. Have your received it too? Have you done it?

I’m totes pro this sort of thing, cuz, whatever, it’s sweethearted and anyway I’m against more important things like reality TV, but when I first received it (from Mike Young—I told him it was going down on his permanent record), I thought for a minute about what poem I would send.

Then I realized if I did this, I could potentially receive a poem from ~20 people.

Who started this?

Some friends started a collective, constructive, and hopefully uplifting exchange, a form of email art exchange. It’s a one-time thing and we hope you will participate. We have picked those we think would be faithful, and make it fun. Please take just a few minutes to send an encouraging quote or verse to the person whose name is in position 1 below (even if you don’t know him or her). It should be a favorite text verse/poem/meditation/recipe that has lifted you when you were experiencing challenging times. Don’t agonize over it–it is one you reach for when you need it or the one that you always turn to.


After you’ve sent the short poem/verse/meditation/quote/etc. to the person in position 1, and only that person, copy this letter into a new email, move my name to position 1. and put your name in position 2. Only my name and your name should show when you email. Send to ~20 friends BCC (blind copy). If you cannot do this in five days, let us know so it will be fair to those participating. It’s fun to see where they come from. Seldom does anyone drop out because we all need new ideas and inspiration. The turnaround is fast, as there are only two names on the list, and you only have to do it once.

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  1. Mike Young

      my theory is winter

  2. Mike Young

      i received it from a sane, diligent, intelligent and “widely published poet” as well… my theory is we are all sad because winter is terrible this year

  3. Adam Robinson

      Good point. I would love to hear some anecdotes from people about the poems they received and how it cured their SAD.

  4. JosephYoung

      oh man, i got this too from the sane and diligent and didn’t want to do it, didn’t do it, and guessed i wasn’t those things perhaps.

  5. Timmy Reed

      I didn’t receive this chain letter and now I wonder if i am cursed or something. But I’ve never been particularly sane or diligent so I guess it doesn’t matter.

  6. deadgod

      “wag” is old-fashioned for ‘wiseass, smart aleck’.

      woke-up song

  7. moazzam sheikh

      i received it too, from a fellow writer friend of mine, so i felt a bit torn, a bit loyal, and in the end ended up shooting for it, sending the letter above to twenty, who I thought would be, somewhat loyal friends. Don’t remember what lines I chose, probably something i had translated from Urdu or Punjabi. got two responses of apology from friends who wouldn’t do it. Got one response, a happy one, wherein the friend seemed to have taken the hook, that is, with the worm.