January 8th, 2010 / 2:16 pm

I learned a new word this morning

[in-staw-rey-shuhn]  –noun
renewal; restoration; renovation; repair.
Obsolete. an act of instituting something; establishment.

1595–1605; < L instaurātiōn- (s. of instaurātiō) a renewing, repeating.

Related forms:
in⋅stau⋅ra⋅tor [in-staw-rey-ter] , noun


…Thanks (yet again), Harold Bloom!


  1. Muzzy

      Wow, first you quote the Wisdom book, now this. You’re on quite the Harold Bloom kick lately!

      I wrote my thesis using a Bloomian-anxiety reading of Paradise Lost. Needing some guidance, I dropped him an email message at Yale. He wrote back a splendid, very long email breaking down line-by-line all the allusions in the opening to Book Seven.

      Like getting a letter from God.

  2. Muzzy

      Wow, first you quote the Wisdom book, now this. You’re on quite the Harold Bloom kick lately!

      I wrote my thesis using a Bloomian-anxiety reading of Paradise Lost. Needing some guidance, I dropped him an email message at Yale. He wrote back a splendid, very long email breaking down line-by-line all the allusions in the opening to Book Seven.

      Like getting a letter from God.

  3. Justin Taylor

      That’s a great story, Muzzy. I’ve owed him a love letter for a long time, maybe I should actually send it. And yeah, I’m reading “Wisdom” right now.

  4. Justin Taylor

      That’s a great story, Muzzy. I’ve owed him a love letter for a long time, maybe I should actually send it. And yeah, I’m reading “Wisdom” right now.

  5. michael james

      this is purely antagonistic and i shouldnt even post it beneath a post containing a word that i really like and will probably use in the future, but…

      harold bloom these nuts

  6. michael james

      this is purely antagonistic and i shouldnt even post it beneath a post containing a word that i really like and will probably use in the future, but…

      harold bloom these nuts

  7. Muzzy

      Yes, you should actually send it. But whatever you do, don’t send him any poems!

  8. Muzzy

      Yes, you should actually send it. But whatever you do, don’t send him any poems!

  9. Perscors

      A classmate of mine wrote Bloom as well and received a friendly and encouraging reply. I would love to see your email on Paradise Lost, anyway to post it here or elsewhere?

  10. Perscors

      A classmate of mine wrote Bloom as well and received a friendly and encouraging reply. I would love to see your email on Paradise Lost, anyway to post it here or elsewhere?