i like “paradise lost” a whole lot and “paradise regained” a little a lot and i haven’t read “samson agonistes”

this is a picture of john milton. he looks like if you asked him if he wanted to just rent a super nintendo and chill he would nod once and say, "indeed."
for real though, i like milton. there is no manifest point to this article. i just wanted to tell people that yes, i really like milton. i like milton. i also like that he was blind. i don’t mean that i like blindness is general. but it makes me want to be his friend more (he’s dead though). i think he had his daughters write down his poems as he spoke them. i wonder if he was mean to his daughters or nice. if i was one of his daughters and he was mean i would just write down random shit instead of the actual poems. to recap, i enjoy milton. he makes satan seem really lovable. and in “paradise lost” i liked the war in heaven. he was writing slayer song titles centuries in advance. i like milton.
Tags: John Milton
They should make a film about Milton like Shakespeare in Love. Call in Milton: Blind Light or something. Antony Gormley could play him. Or maybe just design the sets. They would try and give him a beard but I think that would be wrong.
They should make a film about Milton like Shakespeare in Love. Call in Milton: Blind Light or something. Antony Gormley could play him. Or maybe just design the sets. They would try and give him a beard but I think that would be wrong.
I like when Christ enters the battle and just takes over like he’s RoboCop.
I like when Christ enters the battle and just takes over like he’s RoboCop.
looks like a chick
looks like a chick
Milton=the shit.
Milton=the shit.