October 31st, 2009 / 6:19 pm

“‘Kill your speed’ should be more noticeable than ‘Slow down.'”

“”There has been much speculation about whether people can process emotional information unconsciously, for example pictures, faces and words. We have shown that people can perceive the emotional value of subliminal messages and have demonstrated conclusively that people are much more attuned to negative words,” study leader Professor Nilli Lavie said in a Wellcome Trust news release.”


  1. Michael James

      “The findings, published in the journal Emotion, have implications for the use of subliminal marketing in advertising and in public service announcements, such as safety campaigns.”

      Can ads for literature which are usually static, and not in flash or tv or moving images contain such messages? and if they do what’re they saying?

  2. Michael James

      “The findings, published in the journal Emotion, have implications for the use of subliminal marketing in advertising and in public service announcements, such as safety campaigns.”

      Can ads for literature which are usually static, and not in flash or tv or moving images contain such messages? and if they do what’re they saying?

  3. mimi

      This fits in with “Fucking Word of the Day”.

  4. mimi

      This fits in with “Fucking Word of the Day”.