April 4th, 2010 / 11:24 am

“much like the second coming of christ on easter, this book will make you feel bad about yourself”

Frowns Need Friends Too
by Sam Pink

Sam says, “definitely a must-have for fans of good-ass poetry. this book is lines written from 2007-2009, including what little remains of the rare chapbook “yum yum i can’t wait to die”. journalists have dubbed the genre “schiz-emo.” and, you know my friends, i was touring for this book, in the phillipines, and, and i’ll never forget. after this reading, a little old lady came up to me, and, and, i’ll never forget it, she had this look on her face. and i said, “mother, what is the trouble.” and she took my hand in both of hers and she started to cry. and friends, i’ll never forget what she said. she said, “young man, your book, FROWNS NEED FRIENDS TOO, it, it gave me the courage to do what i thought i could never do: murder my first born son in his sleep.” the book also includes front and back cover art done by the author, me. many of the poems were published with journals affiliated with a college, so, you know. “



  1. scott mcclanahan

      Sam Pink is a national Treasure.

  2. scott mcclanahan

      Sam Pink is a national Treasure.

  3. anon
    • socrates adams

        i will buy this book

    • socrates adams

        i will buy this book

    • Steven Pine

        no sample poem?

    • Steven Pine

        no sample poem?

    • Jhon Baker

        I think that was the example and a very good write it was.

    • Jhon Baker

        I think that was the example and a very good write it was.

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        […] HTMLGIANT / “much like the second coming of christ on easter, this … […]

    • ben spivey

        Sam has a truly unique voice. Looking forward to this and all of his forthcoming books.

    • ben spivey

        Sam has a truly unique voice. Looking forward to this and all of his forthcoming books.

    • Nathan Tyree

        Gotta love Sam

    • Nathan Tyree

        Gotta love Sam

    • Janey Smith

        I already feel bad about myself.

    • Janey Smith

        I already feel bad about myself.