February 27th, 2010 / 12:00 pm

Riot: The Cost of Education

Read about it here and here.


What do you think about the effectiveness of this kind of dissent?

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  1. Ryan Call

      ‘Members of the crowd hurled glass bottles, plastic buckets, pizza and other objects at the police line.’


  2. Ryan Call

      ‘Members of the crowd hurled glass bottles, plastic buckets, pizza and other objects at the police line.’


  3. sasha fletcher

      i don’t quite understand what this was about.

  4. sasha fletcher

      i don’t quite understand what this was about.

  5. alexis

      Pizza is probably the MOST effective kind of protest.

  6. alexis

      Pizza is probably the MOST effective kind of protest.

  7. alexis

      that’s just it–don’t riots always flee from their original intent (protesting college tuition costs in this case, it seems)?

  8. alexis

      that’s just it–don’t riots always flee from their original intent (protesting college tuition costs in this case, it seems)?

  9. Ben Brooks

      just having fun. people love that stuff.

  10. Ben Brooks

      just having fun. people love that stuff.

  11. mimi

      The State of California is a huge, diverse, complex place, with a university system which was once world class and is sadly losing ground every day. The state budget is in a shambles and the lousy politicians in Sac’to can’t get a thing done. A 66% is required in the state legislature to get anything passed.

      I live in Berkeley, have most of my life, and teach in Oakland. What went on here yesterday was small potatoes. (The national media blew it up – must have been a slow news day. What, no naughty Olympic shenanigans?) There are marches and protests and lively city council meetings and school board meetings all the time here. And we live in the shadows of Oakland (now there’s some school board meetings to witness) and San Francisco (gatherings galore).

      I have mixed feelings about the UC tuition hikes. For years, decades, a UC education has been an incredible deal. Still is, when the status of UC-Berkeley or UCLA is considered. (Not to discount the other UCs. They are all awesome.) They are trying to “stay competitive”. At the same time, the demand (students wanting to attend) far outweighs the supply (places available). They system has not kept up with California’s growing population. (I’m looking at past decades – this is the longview.)
      I will add that California also has an awesome but struggling CSU system and network of community colleges, all trying to meet the incredible demands of California’s young people.

      I just used the word “awesome” twice. Yep, Californiano.

      Can’t speak to the pizza hurling. (“Hurling”? Maybe someone got some bad mozzarella.)

  12. mimi

      The State of California is a huge, diverse, complex place, with a university system which was once world class and is sadly losing ground every day. The state budget is in a shambles and the lousy politicians in Sac’to can’t get a thing done. A 66% is required in the state legislature to get anything passed.

      I live in Berkeley, have most of my life, and teach in Oakland. What went on here yesterday was small potatoes. (The national media blew it up – must have been a slow news day. What, no naughty Olympic shenanigans?) There are marches and protests and lively city council meetings and school board meetings all the time here. And we live in the shadows of Oakland (now there’s some school board meetings to witness) and San Francisco (gatherings galore).

      I have mixed feelings about the UC tuition hikes. For years, decades, a UC education has been an incredible deal. Still is, when the status of UC-Berkeley or UCLA is considered. (Not to discount the other UCs. They are all awesome.) They are trying to “stay competitive”. At the same time, the demand (students wanting to attend) far outweighs the supply (places available). They system has not kept up with California’s growing population. (I’m looking at past decades – this is the longview.)
      I will add that California also has an awesome but struggling CSU system and network of community colleges, all trying to meet the incredible demands of California’s young people.

      I just used the word “awesome” twice. Yep, Californiano.

      Can’t speak to the pizza hurling. (“Hurling”? Maybe someone got some bad mozzarella.)

  13. joseph

      Second Ben Brooks.

      I’d participate.

      These kids/their parents will continue to pay Berkeley that $$$.

      Gotta riot about somethin’.

  14. joseph

      Second Ben Brooks.

      I’d participate.

      These kids/their parents will continue to pay Berkeley that $$$.

      Gotta riot about somethin’.

  15. sasha fletcher

      well i mean, according to the article [and this is probably not completely objective because lord knows how difficult that is] but it started as a dance party, and then they decided to occupy a building, and they said in a distributed statement that it “housed the campus East Asian Library and the campus Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures. It is now being renovated to become office space for the College of Letters and Science, which spurred activists to “reclaim” the space for students.” and then they set a dumpster on fire. what i am saying is, what about this is supposed to indicate some sort of protest about the cost of higher education in america?

      also, their tuition is like 10 grand a year for in-state students. i am trying to say that if that seems worth rioting over, i should have blown up new york by now. maybe i should have. but it doesn’t seem likely. or sensible.

  16. sasha fletcher

      well i mean, according to the article [and this is probably not completely objective because lord knows how difficult that is] but it started as a dance party, and then they decided to occupy a building, and they said in a distributed statement that it “housed the campus East Asian Library and the campus Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures. It is now being renovated to become office space for the College of Letters and Science, which spurred activists to “reclaim” the space for students.” and then they set a dumpster on fire. what i am saying is, what about this is supposed to indicate some sort of protest about the cost of higher education in america?

      also, their tuition is like 10 grand a year for in-state students. i am trying to say that if that seems worth rioting over, i should have blown up new york by now. maybe i should have. but it doesn’t seem likely. or sensible.

  17. sasha fletcher

      not me ben brooks. not me.

  18. sasha fletcher

      not me ben brooks. not me.

  19. brittany wallace

      riots are always about emotion. pent-up fury.

      people get emotional

      the last riot i was (accidentally) involved in was a goddamned spectacle

  20. brittany wallace

      riots are always about emotion. pent-up fury.

      people get emotional

      the last riot i was (accidentally) involved in was a goddamned spectacle

  21. alexis

      Sasha, I think the sentiment of “taking back our space” arose from the feelings of helplessness because the system is breaking down–the hikes may not seem that big, but colleges are cutting programs left and right…

      Sure, I think it’s misguided, too.

  22. alexis

      Sasha, I think the sentiment of “taking back our space” arose from the feelings of helplessness because the system is breaking down–the hikes may not seem that big, but colleges are cutting programs left and right…

      Sure, I think it’s misguided, too.

  23. alexis

      Thank you for illuminating the reality of the situation, Mimi!

  24. alexis

      Thank you for illuminating the reality of the situation, Mimi!

  25. mark leidner

      if you educate yourself, it’s free

  26. mark leidner

      if you educate yourself, it’s free

  27. ce.
  28. ce.
  29. reynard

      i agree with mimi, it wasn’t really that big of a deal, just a few morons with no common sense.

      i assure you guys, the mighty berkeley is no more. they used to protest about stuff that mattered. now they just try to save trees on campus and try (not very hard) to burn the dean’s house down when they’re mad about high tuition. buncha goddamn phonies.

  30. reynard

      i agree with mimi, it wasn’t really that big of a deal, just a few morons with no common sense.

      i assure you guys, the mighty berkeley is no more. they used to protest about stuff that mattered. now they just try to save trees on campus and try (not very hard) to burn the dean’s house down when they’re mad about high tuition. buncha goddamn phonies.

  31. Matt Cozart

      protesting ain’t what it used to be. the only riot in my college experience was when bobby knight got fired. and nobody even set any fires.

  32. Matt Cozart

      protesting ain’t what it used to be. the only riot in my college experience was when bobby knight got fired. and nobody even set any fires.

  33. alexis

      hahahahahahhahahahahaha. I freaking love that scene.

  34. alexis

      hahahahahahhahahahahaha. I freaking love that scene.

  35. Lincoln

      Have you ever seen the abortions they call pizza on the west coast? What else are you gonna do with ’em?

  36. Lincoln

      Have you ever seen the abortions they call pizza on the west coast? What else are you gonna do with ’em?

  37. MG

      At first I wondered why they would waste good pizza.

      Then I realized it wasn’t good pizza.

      Maybe they would be happier if they had better pizza to eat.

  38. MG

      At first I wondered why they would waste good pizza.

      Then I realized it wasn’t good pizza.

      Maybe they would be happier if they had better pizza to eat.

  39. EC

      It’s a good start. Long way to go, though.

  40. EC

      It’s a good start. Long way to go, though.

  41. drew kalbach

      my question is, what happened to the dance party?

      how do you go from dance party to riot?

  42. drew kalbach

      my question is, what happened to the dance party?

      how do you go from dance party to riot?

  43. drew kalbach

      there was a riot in philadelphia when the phillies won the world series. that was pretty neat.

      at least this riot had ‘principles’.

  44. drew kalbach

      there was a riot in philadelphia when the phillies won the world series. that was pretty neat.

      at least this riot had ‘principles’.

  45. Tiny Voices

      I think you either it do it like the Greek ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZ8CpWjoUy0&feature=related ) and French ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C3WkIENVY_M ) kids or you don’t do it all. American kids will go to the mat for their country any day, but when it comes to burning a building or two down to get what you need or want (I mean, the Founders were just pissed about taxes, all things being equal, and they overthrew the existing government over it–our modern state monitors our every move, taxes the fuck out of honest working people, feeds the rich, argues over things we need, and the most we get is religious radicals wanting to kill the president because he’s black?) everyone just sort of fades into their various old modes of behavior — http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vq9YFfLof4w&feature=related

  46. Tiny Voices

      I think you either it do it like the Greek ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZ8CpWjoUy0&feature=related ) and French ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C3WkIENVY_M ) kids or you don’t do it all. American kids will go to the mat for their country any day, but when it comes to burning a building or two down to get what you need or want (I mean, the Founders were just pissed about taxes, all things being equal, and they overthrew the existing government over it–our modern state monitors our every move, taxes the fuck out of honest working people, feeds the rich, argues over things we need, and the most we get is religious radicals wanting to kill the president because he’s black?) everyone just sort of fades into their various old modes of behavior — http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vq9YFfLof4w&feature=related

  47. Amber

      There was a riot at my school every time the Packers played the Vikings. And every time our hockey team won. Or lost. A couple of our riots were even on the national news. During one riot, a couple of dudes just walked into the shitty house I lived in and started hurling plates at the wall. Another time our neighbors set their mattress on fire in the street. At my sister’s school, fans rushed the field and trampled people and tore down goalposts because their team won.

      Protests and riots used to mean radicals now they just mean drunk frat guys and sports fans.

  48. Amber

      There was a riot at my school every time the Packers played the Vikings. And every time our hockey team won. Or lost. A couple of our riots were even on the national news. During one riot, a couple of dudes just walked into the shitty house I lived in and started hurling plates at the wall. Another time our neighbors set their mattress on fire in the street. At my sister’s school, fans rushed the field and trampled people and tore down goalposts because their team won.

      Protests and riots used to mean radicals now they just mean drunk frat guys and sports fans.

  49. Jhon Baker

      I do not respect anyone who utilizes violence to make a point – not that I am against fist fighting mind you – but two people squaring off is quite different from organizing and promoting an, albeit small, riot with the purpose to cause be pell mell and cause mayhem with intention of creating a violent disturbance. This is the only reason I can think of for the arbiters of the violence to be wearing the masks. I also cannot respect anyone who would hide their identity and exercise free speech – it is obvious to me that the purpose was violence.o As I mentioned I think Fist fighting may be a good way to solve a dispute between two people but setting fires and destroying someone else’s property? come on.
      Only the Electric Mayhem gets to do that as they are the pinnacle of all that is groovy.

  50. Jhon Baker

      I do not respect anyone who utilizes violence to make a point – not that I am against fist fighting mind you – but two people squaring off is quite different from organizing and promoting an, albeit small, riot with the purpose to cause be pell mell and cause mayhem with intention of creating a violent disturbance. This is the only reason I can think of for the arbiters of the violence to be wearing the masks. I also cannot respect anyone who would hide their identity and exercise free speech – it is obvious to me that the purpose was violence.o As I mentioned I think Fist fighting may be a good way to solve a dispute between two people but setting fires and destroying someone else’s property? come on.
      Only the Electric Mayhem gets to do that as they are the pinnacle of all that is groovy.

  51. Donald

      Stop charging us so much for our education! This situation is unacceptable. In response, we’re going to create massive amounts of damage to your property, costing you a great deal of money and inhibiting your ability to ask less cash of students. Take that, Machine!

  52. Donald

      Stop charging us so much for our education! This situation is unacceptable. In response, we’re going to create massive amounts of damage to your property, costing you a great deal of money and inhibiting your ability to ask less cash of students. Take that, Machine!

  53. mark leidner

      lol thank you… damon is ageless

  54. mark leidner

      lol thank you… damon is ageless

  55. Justin Taylor

      I don’t think that the purpose of a riot is to be effective. If it has a positive effect, it is a side-effect, which is to create a spectacle that epitomizes untenable nature of a situation: these otherwise reasonable people have been driven to the point of flipping out, it says. When the state-sanctioned “situation”–whatever it is–inspires a generally law-abiding citizenry to become a destructive criminal mob, the fault lies not with the mob but with the state. All riots are incited, but not by the rioters.

  56. Justin Taylor

      I don’t think that the purpose of a riot is to be effective. If it has a positive effect, it is a side-effect, which is to create a spectacle that epitomizes untenable nature of a situation: these otherwise reasonable people have been driven to the point of flipping out, it says. When the state-sanctioned “situation”–whatever it is–inspires a generally law-abiding citizenry to become a destructive criminal mob, the fault lies not with the mob but with the state. All riots are incited, but not by the rioters.

  57. stephen

      I prefer the Gandhi approach.

  58. stephen

      I prefer the Gandhi approach.

  59. David

      Justin, totally, thank you.

  60. David

      Justin, totally, thank you.

  61. just sayin'

      rioting is pretty alt, u guyz

  62. just sayin'

      rioting is pretty alt, u guyz

  63. just sayin'

      In the last analysis, what has been termed a “riot,” in modern parlance, is what online social scientists, in their ineffable wisdom, considerable precision, and in their own distinctive if immature verbiage, might coin as: “pretty alt.”

  64. just sayin'

      In the last analysis, what has been termed a “riot,” in modern parlance, is what online social scientists, in their ineffable wisdom, considerable precision, and in their own distinctive if immature verbiage, might coin as: “pretty alt.”

  65. Tiny Voices
  66. Tiny Voices
  67. mimi
  68. mimi