July 5th, 2009 / 12:45 pm

snd me ur txt msgs, plz?

elephantEveryone, I thought it might be fun to get your help on this. For the Dollar Store Super Summer Tour, I’m scheduled to read for 5mins in Houston this Monday with Gene Morgan and others. The dollar store item that I received is in the above picture. It is an elephant cellular phone holster that attaches to my belt or hangs around my neck. This holster gave me the idea to ask you to email me favorite text messages you have sent or received. I would like to combine these text messages into poems/stories/texts/things to read at the Dollar Store Show Tour at Domy Books on Monday night. I promise to post the things at HTMLGIANT after the event so that everyone can read them.

I think this could be fun? Please email the exact text message, with text message language intact, to htmlgiant [at] gmail [dot] com – use subject $ STORE SHOW or DOLLAR STORE SHOW or something like that. I will take whatever I can get through like 10pm CST tonight. I will try to use every line I receive. I hope this works.

Oh, new idea: or you can also post them in the comments section. That might be fun also. Then other people can play with them too, maybe? The point is this should be really messy.

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  1. sasha fletcher

      1.21.08 1241am: I almost called but it was cold and the sun was setting and i was afraid that you may have fangs

      10.16.09 1215am: YOU HAVE NO IDEA.

      10.20.09 346pm: For Halloween I am going as the Defenestration of Prague.

      12.8.08 1056pm: Thats sweet. The holocaust makes me blush a little too.

      3.4.09 1054pm: My 21bday i went to cheesecake factory with two fat girls i barely knew and then cried myself to sleep because i had just broken up with my bf of 4 years

      4.14.09 415pm: Oh you lolcat

      4.15.09 1140pm: I think my hair is rotting & i think my legs are melting. I mean i’m pretty sure, but that’s probably an exaggeration.

      5.6.09 1019am: Um, reading the verb, not the noun.

      5.10.09 509pm: Look, I was not raised on polenta or wild baby acorns, but it doesn’t make me dangerous

      5.10.09 512pm: And above all you set things on fire, and then lose them in a bet to me

      5.22.09 1034am: I GOT BITTEN BY A SNAPPING TURTLE

      5.27.09 1217am: Tom’s of Camden. It was the discounted version.

      5.27.09 1220am: Will you love me even when I’m still not funny?

  2. sasha fletcher

      1.21.08 1241am: I almost called but it was cold and the sun was setting and i was afraid that you may have fangs

      10.16.09 1215am: YOU HAVE NO IDEA.

      10.20.09 346pm: For Halloween I am going as the Defenestration of Prague.

      12.8.08 1056pm: Thats sweet. The holocaust makes me blush a little too.

      3.4.09 1054pm: My 21bday i went to cheesecake factory with two fat girls i barely knew and then cried myself to sleep because i had just broken up with my bf of 4 years

      4.14.09 415pm: Oh you lolcat

      4.15.09 1140pm: I think my hair is rotting & i think my legs are melting. I mean i’m pretty sure, but that’s probably an exaggeration.

      5.6.09 1019am: Um, reading the verb, not the noun.

      5.10.09 509pm: Look, I was not raised on polenta or wild baby acorns, but it doesn’t make me dangerous

      5.10.09 512pm: And above all you set things on fire, and then lose them in a bet to me

      5.22.09 1034am: I GOT BITTEN BY A SNAPPING TURTLE

      5.27.09 1217am: Tom’s of Camden. It was the discounted version.

      5.27.09 1220am: Will you love me even when I’m still not funny?

  3. Nathan (Nate) Tyree

      9:15 Wow. Big splosions last night
      9:20 Huh?
      9:30 oops. Wrong person

  4. Nathan (Nate) Tyree

      9:15 Wow. Big splosions last night
      9:20 Huh?
      9:30 oops. Wrong person

  5. ooh

      June 29
      1:00 PM L.A. time
      I find it unacceptable that you
      will not consumate my life
      long love for you. Btw- if it’s
      ass u like….I have one too

      Didn’t mean2 sound
      offensive:) rememberchow
      you used to spit- I wanted to
      slurp it up…and I
      masterbated2u 4fucking
      yrs! tell ur boytoy that! ….lol..
      I’m gonna do what I should
      have done yrs ago…rape u

  6. ooh

      June 29
      1:00 PM L.A. time
      I find it unacceptable that you
      will not consumate my life
      long love for you. Btw- if it’s
      ass u like….I have one too

      Didn’t mean2 sound
      offensive:) rememberchow
      you used to spit- I wanted to
      slurp it up…and I
      masterbated2u 4fucking
      yrs! tell ur boytoy that! ….lol..
      I’m gonna do what I should
      have done yrs ago…rape u

  7. Sabra Embury

      June 2, 2009 2:10 PM

      I’m destroying the bathroom while you pass gas in Morningside Heights

      I’m passing gas on cat faces

      That’s okay, they passed gas on your face when you were asleep

      Explains the extra fierce morning breath

      June 2, 2009 10:27 AM

      Leonard Choen was really good

      Not as good as Susan Boyle

      She’ll always be the one who set my standards WAY too high. Damn her!

      The boner that no other boner can out-bone

      That girl’s got nice tonsils

      This poo is extra stanky

      Put some in a jar for later

      That would be selfish; no, I’d rather let it be my gift to the world

      As all the lonely jars in the world shed tears of neglect

      Can’t please everyone, not even with a poo this stanky

      Too bad there aren’t double toilets in there. We could hold hands and make stanky poos together. As one

      You should become an architect

      An asstronaut

      I got nothing

      Booyah. Dawg.

  8. Sabra Embury

      June 2, 2009 2:10 PM

      I’m destroying the bathroom while you pass gas in Morningside Heights

      I’m passing gas on cat faces

      That’s okay, they passed gas on your face when you were asleep

      Explains the extra fierce morning breath

      June 2, 2009 10:27 AM

      Leonard Choen was really good

      Not as good as Susan Boyle

      She’ll always be the one who set my standards WAY too high. Damn her!

      The boner that no other boner can out-bone

      That girl’s got nice tonsils

      This poo is extra stanky

      Put some in a jar for later

      That would be selfish; no, I’d rather let it be my gift to the world

      As all the lonely jars in the world shed tears of neglect

      Can’t please everyone, not even with a poo this stanky

      Too bad there aren’t double toilets in there. We could hold hands and make stanky poos together. As one

      You should become an architect

      An asstronaut

      I got nothing

      Booyah. Dawg.

  9. Nathan (Nate) Tyree

      I think that cat is planning my death

  10. Nathan (Nate) Tyree

      I think that cat is planning my death

  11. Matt Anserello

      Jul 3, 09 (Fri) 4:09 pm: Balls 2 the wallz

      Jul 1, 09 (Wed) 9:11 pm: Snakes. Punks. Ground-bloom flowerz?

      Jun 17, 09 (Wed) 6:51 pm: Sometimes i write a song i like, then i find some beer.

  12. Matt Anserello

      Jul 3, 09 (Fri) 4:09 pm: Balls 2 the wallz

      Jul 1, 09 (Wed) 9:11 pm: Snakes. Punks. Ground-bloom flowerz?

      Jun 17, 09 (Wed) 6:51 pm: Sometimes i write a song i like, then i find some beer.

  13. Schulyer Prinz

      This makes me miss Richard Brautigan.

  14. Schulyer Prinz

      This makes me miss Richard Brautigan.

  15. michael james

      its nice to know no matter how good/bad the writer is, texting can bowl us all down into the same pot.

      still, this is some funny shit. and kinda good/bad too.

  16. michael james

      its nice to know no matter how good/bad the writer is, texting can bowl us all down into the same pot.

      still, this is some funny shit. and kinda good/bad too.

  17. King Wenceslas

      I agree with the Defenestration of Prague.

  18. King Wenceslas

      I agree with the Defenestration of Prague.

  19. jereme
  20. jereme
  21. jh

      (717): he made me salute his american flag boxers before i took them off

      Victory for the Forces of Democratic Freedom!

  22. jh

      (717): he made me salute his american flag boxers before i took them off

      Victory for the Forces of Democratic Freedom!

  23. sasha fletcher


  24. sasha fletcher


  25. Fence Portal » Blog Archive » www.htmlgiant.com

      […] and full of the snickety snark. Go there NOW and leave your favorite text message if you want to be part of Ryan Call’s Dollar Store Show appearance. Viva la dollar store […]