November 10th, 2009 / 1:35 am

Some YoYo Stuff: Beefheart

Beefheartian documentary on Captain Beefheart, also at Ubu:

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  1. Kevin O'Neill

      I like Beefheart but don’t know what you mean by YoYo. I haven’t looked elsewhere on the site yet but it would be useful if you could explain a little about it.

  2. Kevin O'Neill

      I like Beefheart but don’t know what you mean by YoYo. I haven’t looked elsewhere on the site yet but it would be useful if you could explain a little about it.

  3. Joseph Young


  4. Joseph Young


  5. Blake Butler

      it’s the name of the film

  6. Blake Butler

      it’s the name of the film

  7. Kevin O'Neill

      Ha. Of course it is.

  8. Kevin O'Neill

      Ha. Of course it is.