March 10th, 2010 / 1:16 am

The Presentation

“The stage is still raised, but it no longer rises from an unfathomable depth; it has become a dais. The didactic play and the epic theater are attempts to sit down on a dais.” — Walter Benjamin, “What Is Epic Theater?”



  1. reynard

      this is one of those times i’m glad i didn’t do theater in college. yuck.

  2. reynard

      this is one of those times i’m glad i didn’t do theater in college. yuck.

  3. reynard

      this is one of those times i’m glad i didn’t do theater in college. yuck.

  4. Alec Niedenthal

      You should’ve been a dancer, Renyard.

  5. Alec Niedenthal

      You should’ve been a dancer, Renyard.

  6. Alec Niedenthal

      You should’ve been a dancer, Renyard.

  7. reynard
  8. reynard
  9. reynard
  10. Alec Niedenthal
  11. Alec Niedenthal
  12. Alec Niedenthal
  13. reynard

      i like the editing on that video. the water bubble transitions are very tasteful. the world needs more pool parties and water bubble transitions.

      my not being a dancer reminded me of this:

  14. reynard

      i like the editing on that video. the water bubble transitions are very tasteful. the world needs more pool parties and water bubble transitions.

      my not being a dancer reminded me of this:

  15. reynard

      i like the editing on that video. the water bubble transitions are very tasteful. the world needs more pool parties and water bubble transitions.

      my not being a dancer reminded me of this:

  16. mimi

      Einstein on the Beach tasted good with my coffee and muffin.

  17. mimi

      Einstein on the Beach tasted good with my coffee and muffin.

  18. mimi

      Einstein on the Beach tasted good with my coffee and muffin.