June 24th, 2009 / 12:54 pm

Hey, do you guys know this site called ireadashortstorytoday.com? I was thinking of starting a site called ireadashortstorttodaytoomotherfucker.com. Maybe because the dude wrote a bad review of one of my stories? Nah.


  1. thomas p levy

      what a dick

  2. thomas p levy

      what a dick

  3. pr

      no– he’s ok. I just felt like teasing him here. It’s OK he didn’t like my story. My editor did and some other people, and so it’s ok. Can’t please everyone.

  4. pr

      no– he’s ok. I just felt like teasing him here. It’s OK he didn’t like my story. My editor did and some other people, and so it’s ok. Can’t please everyone.

  5. Heath

      I would totally read ireadashortstorytodaytoomotherfucker.com. Forget the back story—you’ve got me on the title.

      other thoughts:




      Though I am glad there’s another site out there promoting short stories.

  6. Heath

      I would totally read ireadashortstorytodaytoomotherfucker.com. Forget the back story—you’ve got me on the title.

      other thoughts:




      Though I am glad there’s another site out there promoting short stories.

  7. pr

      haha- those are great.

  8. Janey Smith

      pr? I want to read the story you are talking about. Where do I do that?

  9. Janey Smith

      pr? I want to read the story you are talking about. Where do I do that?

  10. pr

      Janey- its in a print journal- it was years ago, too. But thanks for asking…