July 27th, 2009 / 8:33 pm

Hey check it out! That literary tattoo project I posted about the other day got blogged at the LA Times.


  1. Nathan (Nate) Tyree


  2. Nathan (Nate) Tyree


  3. Blake Butler

      mos def

  4. Blake Butler

      mos def

  5. Rachel

      Justin, I love you, but isn’t Contrariwise gonna kick your ass?

  6. Rachel

      Justin, I love you, but isn’t Contrariwise gonna kick your ass?

  7. Matthew Simmons

      I know a couple of guys with the Hobart journal logo tattooed on them. Burch? You out there? Jensen?

  8. Matthew Simmons

      I know a couple of guys with the Hobart journal logo tattooed on them. Burch? You out there? Jensen?